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Презентация по английскому языку "To smoke or not to smoke"

Презентация знакомит учащихся с интересными фактами о вреде курения.

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Презентация по английскому языку  To smoke or not to smoke”  разработана для учащихся 9 класса, изучающих английский язык со 2 класса по учебнику М.З. Биболетовой.  Данная презентация содержит дополнительный материал о вреде курения, который может быть полезным в изучении темы «Конфликты» . Слайды презентации содержат интересный и доступный материал, который поможет учащимся расширить свой кругозор при изучении данной темы .

Презентация познакомит учащихся  с интересными фактами о вреде курения и может использоваться как дополнительный материал при изучении английского языка и в других классах. Кроме этого, эта презентация имеет воспитательное значение, она воспитывает стремление учащихся к здоровому образу жизни.

Презентация по английскому языку To smoke or not to smoke

How do Cigarettes Damage Health?

Here are some sad, sad, sad facts about smoking.

Your clothes and hair will have a terrible smell.

Your teeth will have bad breath.

Your hair and skin will become dry. You’ll get premature wrinkles

Smokers store more fat around the waist.

A smoker is 22 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker.

In fact, 30% of all cancer deaths are caused by smoking.

Smoking causes heart attacks. By the way, heart disease is now the number-one killer in Russia.

You’d have to be living on Mars not to know that smoking is dangerous. Yet statistics show that young people today smoke more, not less. Why?

Содержимое разработки






How do Cigarettes Damage Health? Here are some sad, sad, sad facts about smoking.  Your clothes and hair will have a terrible smell. Your teeth will have bad breath. Your hair and skin will become dry. You’ll get premature wrinkles Smokers store more fat around the waist. A smoker is 22 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker. In fact, 30% of all cancer deaths are caused by smoking. Smoking causes heart attacks. By the way, heart disease is now the number-one killer in Russia. You’d have to be living on Mars not to know that smoking is dangerous. Yet statistics show that young people today smoke more, not less. Why?

How do Cigarettes Damage Health?

  • Here are some sad, sad, sad facts about smoking.
  • Your clothes and hair will have a terrible smell.
  • Your teeth will have bad breath.
  • Your hair and skin will become dry. You’ll get premature wrinkles
  • Smokers store more fat around the waist.
  • A smoker is 22 times more likely to die of lung cancer than a non-smoker.
  • In fact, 30% of all cancer deaths are caused by smoking.
  • Smoking causes heart attacks. By the way, heart disease is now the number-one killer in Russia.
  • You’d have to be living on Mars not to know that smoking is dangerous. Yet statistics show that young people today smoke more, not less. Why?
You’d have to be living on Mars not to know that smoking is dangerous.

You’d have to be living on Mars not to know that smoking is dangerous.

Cigarettes: What’s in them?   Tobacco smoke contains hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, acrolein and formaldehyde. These chemicals paralyse the cilia (tiny hair-like processors on the cells lining the airways) which clear mucus and anything that deposits on them. Smokers’ lungs are more sensitive to cancer causing chemicals because their cilia do not clear the airways effectively.

Cigarettes: What’s in them?

  • Tobacco smoke contains hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, nitrogen dioxide, acrolein and formaldehyde. These chemicals paralyse the cilia (tiny hair-like processors on the cells lining the airways) which clear mucus and anything that deposits on them. Smokers’ lungs are more sensitive to cancer causing chemicals because their cilia do not clear the airways effectively.
Global Smoking Statistics Tobacco kills nearly 10,000 people worldwide every day.  Each year 3.5 million people die from tobacco related illnesses. Bases on current trends, it is predicted that over 500 million people currently living will die as a result of smoking. By 2020 it is predicted that tobacco use will cause over 12% of all deaths globally. This is more deaths worldwide than HIV, tuberculosis, maternal mortality, motor vehicle accidents, suicide and homicide combined.

Global Smoking Statistics

  • Tobacco kills nearly 10,000 people worldwide every day.
  • Each year 3.5 million people die from tobacco related illnesses.
  • Bases on current trends, it is predicted that over 500 million people currently living will die as a result of smoking.
  • By 2020 it is predicted that tobacco use will cause over 12% of all deaths globally. This is more deaths worldwide than HIV, tuberculosis, maternal mortality, motor vehicle accidents, suicide and homicide combined.
Danger of Passive Smoking   Smokers are not only people who can be negatively affected by smoking. Non-smokers are also in danger of experiencing serious health problem caused by breathing in other people’s tobacco smoke. .

Danger of Passive Smoking

  • Smokers are not only people who can be negatively affected by smoking. Non-smokers are also in danger of experiencing serious health problem caused by breathing in other people’s tobacco smoke.
  • .
Tobacco and the Environment The growing, processing and smoking of tobacco all have major, negative impacts on our local and global environments.

Tobacco and the Environment

  • The growing, processing and smoking of tobacco all have major, negative impacts on our local and global environments.
Health Benefits  of quitting smoking Quitting smoking, whatever your age, is beneficial to your health.   One year after quitting, the risk of heart disease decreases by almost 50%   Ten years after quitting, the risk of developing lung cancer is halved.   The risk of developing lung diseases and stroke decreases slowly.   Ten to 14 years after quitting, the risk of dying from cancer decreases to nearly that of those who have never smoked.

Health Benefits of quitting smoking

  • Quitting smoking, whatever your age, is beneficial to your health.
  • One year after quitting, the risk of heart disease decreases by almost 50%
  • Ten years after quitting, the risk of developing lung cancer is halved.
  • The risk of developing lung diseases and stroke decreases slowly.
  • Ten to 14 years after quitting, the risk of dying from cancer decreases to nearly that of those who have never smoked.
Most of smokers wish to give up smoking, and heavy smokers often make several attempts before they give up... either smoking or the attempts. It requires not a little will power and determination. And only few succeed. And then those few say that they have felt so much better ever since.
  • Most of smokers wish to give up smoking, and heavy smokers often make several attempts before they give up... either smoking or the attempts. It requires not a little will power and determination. And only few succeed.
  • And then those few say that they have felt so much better ever since.
Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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