Brave heart as thouthand
Asilhan Tolepov was born in Aktobe, Oyil region-kazakh actor.
He became known after his role in film ”Brave heart as thousnd”as brave heart hero named Sartai.
Asilhan`s biography
He graduated college classes of professor Esim Segizbaev named by Temirbek Jugenov near The Kazakh State Art Academy.
In 2010, he acted in film about president ”Балалық шағымның аспаны” as president`s friend Gali.
For the best role in this film he was awarded with medal by B. Momishuli.
In 2013 was awarded with “ Серпер”by Youth premiumfor his role as Sartai in film “Жау –журек мың бала”.
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