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Презентация по английскому языку "1001 proverbs and 101 riddles"

Работа познакомит учащихся с английскими пословицами и загадками.

Описание разработки

Aims of the extracurricular work:

- to teach them English proverbs and riddles.

- to teach to answer the questions correctly.

Visual aids: cards, active board.

Connection with other subjects: kazakh, literature, biology, sport.

Ход занятия.

Good day! Dear puples and teacher! You are welcome to see the game 1001 proverbs and 101 riddles!

The pariticipants of the game are the pupils of 7forms.

The game has 3 levels. The 1st level is called “Who can tell me more proverbs?” Let`s applaud the 1st proverb teller. She is Altynai. Now let`s applaud the 2nd proverb teller, She is Aidana_.

That`s very good, thank you! Now let`s applaud to the pupils.

Now dear proverbs teller, your second task is to continue the proverbs. I shall begin the proverb and you must finish it.

1. A friend in need (is a friend indeed)

2. A good beginning (makes a good ending)

3. East or West (home is best)

4. Better late (than never)

5. Action speaks louder (than words)

6. So many men (so many minds)

7. Mother thinks of children (children about games)

8. Rome was not built (in one day)

9. A good wife and health is a (man’s best wealth)

10. Healthy, wealthy and (wise)

Now, the 1st level is ended. We have two proverb tellers. That`s why ___________ and _____________will leave the game. You lose the game. Let`s applaud her and hand in her a present. Our the best tellers will continue the game.

Now, let`s begin our 2nd level. The level of riddle guessers. Now, riddles and hold up before answer.

1. It`s red and sweet, and it`s good to eat. (an apple)

2. I`m black and red and blue.

I draw a picture for you. (a pencil)

3. I can tell you all the day,

Time to sleep and time to play. (the clock)

4. My nose is long,

My tail is short,

I`m an ______ (an elephant)

5. There is a season,

When days are cool,

When we eat apple,

And go to school. (autumn)

6. What teaches without talking?(a book)

7. What kind of clothes do lawyers wear?(Lawsuits)

8. When is a yellow dog most likely to enter a house? (When the door is open. )

9. What do monkey like to eat? (banana)

OK. You were very active. Thank you very much. We have two the best riddle tellers. Theat`s why ________ and ____________ will leave the game. Let`s applaud them and give them a present.

Our 3rd level is called “Question –answer”. I`ll show two papers you must choice one of them. Please, come here. There are two letters. The letter A and B. That`s why you must answer my question by this letter. For example: The name of the fruit ? Apple. Banana.

Let`s begin. The letter A

1. The name of the fruit (apple, apricot)

2. The capital of Kazakhstan (Astana)

Презентация по английскому языку 1001 proverbs and 101 riddles

3. We don`t live without it. (air)

4. The famous kazakh writer (Abai)

5. The first letter of the alphabet. (A)

6. Who is Jackie Chan? (actor)

7. One of the season (autumn)

8. It is bad for our helth (alcohol)

9. What is the kazakh for “cheap” (арзан)

10. One of the river of Kazakhstan (Amudariya)

Let`s begin, the letter B.

1. The name of the fruit. (banana)

2. The capital of Germany. (Berlin)

3. What is the English for “кітап” (book)

4. The second letter of the alphabet (B)

5. What colour of the sky? (blue)

6. Give antonym “interesting” (boring)

7. What is the Kazakh for “head” (бас)

8. Pinguin is the bird or animal? (bird)

9. What kind of sport do you know? (box)

10. It is the symbol of Astana (baiterek)

Proverb translation

Health is a good wealth

a) Денсаулық зор байлық

b) Елі байдың жері бай

с) Қызыл тілдің қадірін тоқтағанда білерсің

A friend in need is a friend indeed

a) Адамды досына қарап таны

b) Ештен кеш жақсы

c) Бейнет түбі зейнет

Business before pleasure

a) Жылтыраганның бәрі алтын емес

b) Бейнет түбі зейнет

c) Ерте тұрғанның бір ісі артық

A good beginning makes a good ending

a. Бейнет түбі зейнет

b. B) Басы қатты болса, аяғы тәтті болады

c. C) Адамды досына қарап таны

Thank you very much!

Now, let`s see the result opf this level. Today ____ lost the game we say to her many succes for her next game and say good-bye. Let`s applaud her and gave her a present.

OK, thanks. That`s end of our game for today. Thank you very vuch for your attention and good-bye!

Содержимое разработки

1001 proverbs and 101 riddles Intellectual show

1001 proverbs and 101 riddles

Intellectual show

Level 1 : Proverbs

Level 1 :


A friend in need…… is a friend indeed

A friend in need……

is a friend indeed

 A good beginning…..  makes a good ending

A good beginning…..

makes a good ending

 East or West…. home is best

East or West….

home is best

 Better late…. than never

Better late….

than never

 Action speaks louder… than words

Action speaks louder…

than words

 So many men… so many minds

So many men…

so many minds

 Mother thinks of children… children about games

Mother thinks of children…

children about games

 Rome was not built… in one day

Rome was not built…

in one day

 A good wife and health is a man’s best wealth

A good wife and health is a

man’s best wealth

 Healthy, wealthy and wise

Healthy, wealthy and


Level 2 : Riddles

Level 2 :


It`s red and sweet,  and it`s good to eat. An apple

It`s red and sweet,

and it`s good to eat.

An apple

I`m black and red and blue. I draw a picture for you. A pencil

I`m black and red and blue.

I draw a picture for you.

A pencil

I can tell you all the day, Time to sleep and time to play. A clock

I can tell you all the day,

Time to sleep and time to play.

A clock

My nose is long, My tail is short, I`m an ______ elephant

My nose is long,

My tail is short,

I`m an ______


There is a season, When days are cool, When we eat apple, And go to school. autumn

There is a season,

When days are cool,

When we eat apple,

And go to school.


What teaches without talking? A book

What teaches without talking?

A book

What kind of clothes do lawyers wear? A lawsuits

What kind of clothes do lawyers wear?

A lawsuits

When is a yellow dog most likely to enter a house? When the door is open

When is a yellow dog most likely to enter a house?

When the door is open

What do monkey like to eat? banana

What do monkey like to eat?


Level 3 : Question-answer

Level 3 :


A The name of the fruit  The capital of Kazakhstan We don`t live without it. The famous kazakh writer The first letter of the alphabet. Who is Jackie Chan? One of the season It is bad for our health What is the kazakh for “cheap” One of the river of Kazakhstan


The name of the fruit

The capital of Kazakhstan

We don`t live without it.

The famous kazakh writer

The first letter of the alphabet.

Who is Jackie Chan?

One of the season

It is bad for our health

What is the kazakh for “cheap”

One of the river of Kazakhstan

B The name of the fruit  The capital of Germany What is the English for “кітап ” The second letter of the alphabet. What colour of the sky? Give antonym “interesting” What is the Kazakh for “head” Pinguin is the bird or animal? What kind of sport do you know? It is the symbol of Astana


The name of the fruit

The capital of Germany

What is the English for “кітап

The second letter of the alphabet.

What colour of the sky?

Give antonym “interesting”

What is the Kazakh for “head”

Pinguin is the bird or animal?

What kind of sport do you know?

It is the symbol of Astana

Proverbs translation

Proverbs translation

Health is a good wealth a)Денсаулық зор байлық  b) Елі байдың жері бай  с) Қызыл тілдің қадірін тоқтағанда білерсің

Health is a good wealth

a)Денсаулық зор байлық b) Елі байдың жері бай с) Қызыл тілдің қадірін тоқтағанда білерсің

Health is a good wealth a)Денсаулық зор байлық

Health is a good wealth

a)Денсаулық зор байлық

A friend in need  Is a friend indeed a)Адамды досына қарап таны b)Ештен кеш жақсы c) Бейнет түбі зейнет

A friend in need Is a friend indeed

a)Адамды досына қарап таны

b)Ештен кеш жақсы

c) Бейнет түбі зейнет

A friend in need  Is a friend indeed a)Адамды досына қарап таны

A friend in need Is a friend indeed

a)Адамды досына қарап таны

Business before pleasure a)Жылтыраганның бәрі алтын емес b) Бейнет түбі зейнет c) Ерте тұрғанның бір ісі артық

Business before pleasure

a)Жылтыраганның бәрі алтын емес

b) Бейнет түбі зейнет

c) Ерте тұрғанның бір ісі артық

Business before pleasure b) Бейнет түбі зейнет

Business before pleasure

b) Бейнет түбі зейнет

A good beginning makes a good ending Бейнет түбі зейнет B)Басы қатты болса, аяғы тәтті болады C)Адамды досына қарап таны

A good beginning makes a good ending

  • Бейнет түбі зейнет
  • B)Басы қатты болса, аяғы тәтті болады
  • C)Адамды досына қарап таны
A good beginning makes a good ending B)Басы қатты болса, аяғы тәтті болады

A good beginning makes a good ending

B)Басы қатты болса, аяғы тәтті болады

Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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