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Презентация к уроку английского языка "Cadet friendship"

Материал показывает важность истинных друзей в жизни человека. Развивает способности к целеустремленной работе, к самостоятельному труду, импровизации, способности осуществлять репродуктивные речевые действия, выражать свое мнение по теме.

Описание разработки

Главная цель урока:

Развивать речевые умения на основе творческого использования усвоенного раннее материала в новых ситуациях общения, подготовить учащихся к выполнению самостоятельного творческого задания – найти истинные качества настоящего друга.

Оборудование: плакаты с изображением символов дружбы, карточки с заданиями (ситуации для диалога, буквы для задания FRIENDS), карточки со словами, презентация с заданиями, мультфильм «Простоквашино», матрас, бинт, шина, игрушка «собачка», деревянная будка, кроссовки, листы с изображением человека.

Структура урока:

1-Introduction (организация начала урока и сообщение задач).

2-Warm-up activities (речевая зарядка, буквы F, R).

3- Practice in speaking with a silent cartoon( озвучивание немого мультфильма I)

4- Practice in making up dialogues according to the situation (практика в составлении ситуационных диалогов E).

5- Working with the specific information about friends (качества, которые присуще настоящему другу N)

6-Singing a song (песня о друге D)

7- Follow up (дополнительное задание, литературный перевод стихотворения S)

7-Summation ( подведение итогов)


1-наглядный (плакат с изображением символа дружбы, карточки с заданиями – ситуации для диалога, презентация с заданиями, оборудование для составления диалога);

2-ТСО (компьютер, проектор);


4-проблемно-поисковый метод (сделать литературный перевод четверостиший).

5-элементы интенсивной методики Warming up, частичная суггестия (для быстрого погружения в иноязычную среду применяется нестандартное начало урока – чтения стихотворения о дружбе, после которого обучающиеся самостоятельно определяют тему урока);

6-элементы проектной методики (составление и представление диалогов обучающимися);

7-элементы КСО – самоконтроль и взаимоконтроль;

8- метод стимулирования интереса к изучению иностранного языка (при выполнении заданий творческого характера).

Виды речевой деятельности:




Режимы работы:

1-P1 ––> P2 ––> P3

2-Р1 ––> P2;

3-T ––> Cl,

то есть имели место такие формы организации учебной деятельности как групповая работа, парная работа и фронтальный опрос.

Виды контроля:



3-контроль учителя.

Урок английского языка Cadet friendship

Весь материал - смотрите презентацию.

Содержимое разработки

Once upon a time  There lived a funny guy.  He always lived next door to me  With him was very fun to be.  I often turned to him for help –  He always gave a helping hand.  He stood by me no matter what,  We both were going in for sport. We talked our problems through together  And found what to do in any weather.  I knew that he’d betray me never  And that it would be so forever.

Once upon a time There lived a funny guy. He always lived next door to me With him was very fun to be. I often turned to him for help – He always gave a helping hand. He stood by me no matter what, We both were going in for sport.

We talked our problems through together And found what to do in any weather. I knew that he’d betray me never And that it would be so forever.

The topic of the lesson is “ Friends and friendship” Тhe aim is to make a portrait of an ideal friend to the end of lesson.

The topic of the lesson is

Friends and friendship”

Тhe aim is to make a portrait of an ideal friend to the end of lesson.

F “ A true friend is a person…” “ A false friend is a person …” “ Friendship is a thing…”


A true friend is a person…”

A false friend is a person …”

Friendship is a thing…”

Can you give the examples of literature characters that may be called true friends? R

Can you give the examples of literature characters that may be called true friends?




 E 1-Night, everyone was asleep in the barracks, commander hears two voices are talking. What is the reaction of friends?


1-Night, everyone was asleep in the barracks, commander hears two voices are talking. What is the reaction of friends?

E 2- The cadets are on the march. At this moment their friend is running, he fall, tucked his leg. The reaction of the children what are they doing?


2- The cadets are on the march. At this moment their friend is running, he fall, tucked his leg. The reaction of the children what are they doing?

E 3-Cadets clean area, there is a small puppy. What can they do?


3-Cadets clean area, there is a small puppy. What can they do?

E 4-  Cadets march on the parade ground. One cadet is lame. He rubbed the corn. The commander cries on Cadet that he did not go to the hospital.? The reaction of the children what are they doing? The reaction of the commander what is he doing?


4- Cadets march on the parade ground. One cadet is lame. He rubbed the corn. The commander cries on Cadet that he did not go to the hospital.? The reaction of the children what are they doing? The reaction of the commander what is he doing?




 D Let s sing a song!


Let s sing a song!

Take a literary translation: With A Friend I can talk with a friend  and walk with a friend  and share my umbrella in the rain  I can play with a friend  and stay with a friend  and learn with a friend  and explain  I can eat with a friend  and compete with a friend  and even sometimes disagree  I can ride with a friend  and take pride with a friend  A friend can mean so much to me! S

Take a literary translation:

With A Friend

I can talk with a friend and walk with a friend and share my umbrella in the rain I can play with a friend and stay with a friend and learn with a friend and explain I can eat with a friend and compete with a friend and even sometimes disagree I can ride with a friend and take pride with a friend A friend can mean so much to me!


Take a literary translation : S Friends We've joined together as classmates  as the new year begins...  A year full of learning  while we become friends.  We'll share and be kind  as we work and play.  And our friendship will grow  with each passing day.

Take a literary translation :



We've joined together as classmates as the new year begins... A year full of learning while we become friends. We'll share and be kind as we work and play. And our friendship will grow with each passing day.



Курсы повышения квалификации

Исследовательская деятельность учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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