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Практикум "Логист" по английскому языку

В сборнике представлены тексты с заданиями, направленные на формирование языковой компетентности студентов по специальности «Операционная деятельность в логистике» для проведения практикумов по английскому языку с использованием информационных технологий


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департамент образования города Москвы

ГАПОУ МОК им. В. Талалихина


Сборник текстов с заданиями

по английскому языку

для студентов, обучающихся по специальности

«Операционная деятельность в логистике»


Москва, 2016

Авторы-составители: Маковская Лариса Юрьевна, Корешкова Ирина Анатольевна, преподаватели английского языка ГАПОУ МОК им.В.Талалихина

В сборнике представлены тексты с заданиями, направленные на формирование языковой компетентности студентов по специальности «Операционная деятельность в логистике» на занятиях английского языка с использованием информационных технологий.

Рецензент: Ларионова Светлана Алексеевна, руководитель структурного подразделения ГАПОУ МОК им. В.Талалихина

Редактор: Малькова Людмила Алексеевна, методист ГАПОУ МОК им. В.Талалихина

Text 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выполните задание.

The meaning of logistics

Market economy has brought a lot of new business terms into the Russian language. Logistics is one of them. The word ‘logistics’ dates from the ancient Greek logos – ‘ratio, word, calculation, reason’ and was used in ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine empires to denote the military’s need to supply themselves with arms, ammunition and rations as they moved from their base to a forward position.

With increasing development of trade and economy, it started to be used in business too. Moving raw materials to manufacturers and then finished goods to customers used to be a simple job for men with strong backs and little education. Today more than ever before senior management of a firm is concerned about improving transportation management and logistics as transportation represents a major expense item and freight transportation accounts for about 6 per cent of gross domestic product of a country.

The goal of transportation is to ensure that all raw materials arrive at the factory at the proper time and in good condition. To achieve that it is necessary to focus on improvements of operations that lead to a better service at the lowest cost. Transportation managers are also involved in many other operations. They assist marketing by quoting freight rates for salespeople, suggesting quantity discounts that can be based on transportation savings and selecting carriers and routes for reliable delivery of products.

The meaning of logistics is expanding. Now we speak about inbound, internal, outbound logistics, transport logistics, strategic logistics, warehousing logistics, integrated logistics etc. According to the Council of Logistics Management, now one of the world’s prominent organizations for logistics professionals, ‘logistics is that part of the supply chain process that plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customers’ requirements’. As transport logistics is a major factor in the supply chain process, specialists pay much attention to modes of transport, transport companies’ operations as well as to some other activities related to customs clearance, warehousing and safe delivery of goods to final destinations.

Используйте активную лексику для выполнения задания:

ancient - древний

freight rates - процент(доля) груза

denote - означать, показывать

quantity discounts – количественные скидки

concern – иметь отношение

expand – расширять, развивать

expense item – статья расходов

inbound – прибывающий груз

freight – груз, перевозка грузов

outbound – подлежащий отправке груз

gross – валовой, оптовый

warehouse – товарный склад

ensure – обеспечивать, гарантировать

consumption – потребление, расходование

Задание. Найти в тексте следующие слова и выражения на английском языке:

  1. деловые отношения, 2) развитие торговли, 3) потребители, 4) (доставить товар) вовремя и в хорошем состоянии, 5) вести к, 6) лучшее обслуживание, 7) при низких затратах, 8) быть вовлеченным в, 9) экономия на транспорте, 10) надежная доставка продукции, 11) планировать, снабжать и контролировать, 12) хранение товара, 13) отвечать требованиям заказчика, 14) уделять внимание, 15) место назначения.

Text 2. Прочитайте текст. Выполните задание.

Logistics as a science

Logistics - the science, the object of which is to organize the management of the process of movement of goods and services from suppliers of raw materials to consumers. Logistics contains the functioning of the circulation of products, goods, services, inventory management and provisions, creating a goods movement infrastructure.

A broader definition of logistics treats it as the study of planning, management and control of material movement, information and financial resources in different systems.

From the perspective of the organization's management logistics can be considered as the strategic management of material flows in the supply: procurement, transportation, sale and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory. The concept also includes the management of relevant information flows and financial flows. Logistics is aimed at optimizing costs and streamlining the production process, marketing and auxiliary services, both within a single enterprise or a group of enterprises.

The content of logistics as a science is to establish causal relationships and regularities inherent in the movement of goods, in order to identify and put into practice effective forms of organization and material and information flow management.

The main objects of study are in logistics:

  • logistics operations

  • logistics chain

  • logistics system

  • logistics functions

  • material flows

  • information flows

  • logistics costs

Задание. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих предложений:

  1. Логистика включает в себя функционирование сферы обращения продукции, товаров, услуг, управление товарными запасами и провиантом, создание инфраструктуры товародвижения.

  2. С позиции менеджмента организации логистику можно рассматривать как стратегическое управление материальными потоками в процессе снабжения: закупки, перевозки, продажи и хранения материалов, деталей и готового инвентаря (техники и прочего).

  3. Логистика направлена на оптимизацию издержек и рационализацию процесса производства, сбыта и сопутствующего сервиса как в рамках одного предприятия, так и для группы предприятий.

Text 3. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выполните задание.


Logistics is generally the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation. In a general business sense, logistics is the management of the flow of things between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet requirements of customers or corporations. The resources managed in logistics can include physical items, such as food, materials, animals, equipment and liquids, as well as abstract items, such as time and information. The logistics of physical items usually involves the integration of information flow, material handling, production, packaging, inventory, transportation, warehousing, and often security.

In military science, logistics is concerned with maintaining army supply lines while disrupting those of the enemy, since an armed force without resources and transportation is defenseless. Military logistics was already practiced in the ancient world and as modern military have a significant need for logistics solutions, advanced implementations have been developed, especially for the United States Armed Forces. In military logistics, logistics officers manage how and when to move resources to the places they are needed.

Logistics management is the part of supply chain management that plans, implements, and controls the efficient, effective forward, and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer's requirements. The complexity of logistics can be modeled, analyzed, visualized, and optimized by dedicated simulation software. The minimization of the use of resources is a common motivation in all logistics fields. A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician.

Задание. Задайте вопросы к следующим предложениям из текста:

  1. The resources managed in logistics can include physical items, such as food, materials, animals, equipment and liquids, as well as abstract items, such as time and information.

  2. Military logistics was already practiced in the ancient world.

  3. Logistics management is the part of supply chain management.

  4. Military logistics has been developed especially for the United States Armed Forces.

  5. The minimization of the use of resources is a common motivation in all logistics fields.

  6. A professional working in the field of logistics management is called a logistician.

Text 4. Прочитайте текст. Выполните задания.

? ? ?

My future profession will be an operational logistician.

This new profession appeared quite recently. There aren’t enough logisticians. Therefore the profession is demanded on a labor market.

I consider that my future profession isn't very popular among the population yet.

Many people don't know what logisticians do.

The logistician is a certified expert who has a specialized education and has received all necessary theoretical knowledge of material streams movement.

The logistician works in different spheres of activity, trade, customs, medicine, etc. In the future I will operate with the chains of deliveries, its creation, further optimization and organization of delivery and storage of inventory items.

The logistician should possess the following qualities: education, organizing abilities, skills to analyze the actions, to solve conflict situations, to make up decisions, skills of interpersonal communication to improve relations between clients and partners in business, leader and computer skills.

Now I am a first year student. I hope to be a good specialist and achieve success in my profession.

Задание 1. Прочитайте и выполните письменный перевод текста.

Задание 2. Придумайте заголовок к тексту.

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