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План-конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "The Place We Live In"

Урок позволит закрепить знания детей по данной теме.

Описание разработки


1. To teach the pupils to speak on the topic and to work in groups;

2. to develop creative abilities, speaking skills;

3. to educate curious pupils.


by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to design a project of a house, to furnish the rooms and to present the projects to the class.

Equipment: PC, board, paper, coloured pencils.

The Course of the Lesson.

I. Organisational part (the class is divided into 3-4 groups of 3-4 pupils):

Today we are having not a usual lesson, but a design workshop. The matter is that I’ve got a letter from the Country Mouse who doesn’t have a house and lives in a big old tree (slide ). Now read his letter (the pupils read the letter, slide 3).

II. Lexical and grammar drill (speed game):

1. First of all, let’s revise some words that you need to describe a house (slide 4). The pupils read the words; then they give a name to each group of words (rooms, furniture, place).

2. Now let’s remember the proverbs about homes (slide 5).

3. Now fill in a spidergram – write down all the rooms that can be in a house (slide 7).

4. The next task is to fill in the names of the rooms which are upstairs and downstairs in an English house (slide 9).

4. Now let’s remember the names of the furniture that can be in different rooms of a house (slide 12).

План-конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов The Place We Live In

III. The Main part:

Each group makes a design project of a room in the house (a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, etc.) and presents it to the class. All the projects together make the picture of the Country Mouse’s house.

IV. Hometask:

Your hometask is – to write an answer to the Country Mouse: Vladikavkaz


1 December 2015

Dear Country Mouse,

Thank you for your letter. You ask me to help you to choose a wonderful house in London. I am glad to help you.

Well, I think that I chose a lovely house for you. I would like to describe it. It isn’t very big. There are_______floors in it - _____________________ and _________________. The ________________________________ are upstairs. The _______________________ are downstairs. There is a big __________________ behind the house and there are a lot of__________________________________in front of it.

The sitting room is the___________________________________________________. There is__________________ furniture in it. There is ________________________. The carpet is ____________________. It makes the room __________________________________. In the corner you can see ___________________________________. On the left ___________________________________. There is _____________________ next to _______________________________.

I hope you like the house. Write back soon.

Lots of love.

Содержимое разработки

Lesson Plan

Date: 01.12.2015

Teacher: I.Kubalova

Subject: The Place We Live In

Objectives: 1. To teach the pupils to speak on the topic and to work in groups;

2. to develop creative abilities, speaking skills;

3. to educate curious pupils.

Aims: by the end of the lesson pupils will be able to design a project of a house, to furnish the

rooms and to present the projects to the class.

Equipment: PC, board, paper, coloured pencils.

The Course of the Lesson

I. Organisational part ( the class is divided into 3-4 groups of 3-4 pupils):

Today we are having not a usual lesson, but a design workshop. The matter is that I’ve got a letter from the Country Mouse who doesn’t have a house and lives in a big old tree (slide ). Now read his letter (the pupils read the letter, slide 3 ).

II. Lexical and grammar drill (speed game):

1. First of all, let’s revise some words that you need to describe a house (slide 4). The pupils read the words ; then they give a name to each group of words (rooms, furniture, place).

2. Now let’s remember the proverbs about homes (slide 5).

3. Now fill in a spidergram – write down all the rooms that can be in a house (slide 7).

4. The next task is to fill in the names of the rooms which are upstairs and downstairs in an English house (slide 9).

4. Now let’s remember the names of the furniture that can be in different rooms of a house (slide 12).

III. The Main part:

Each group makes a design project of a room in the house ( a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen, etc.) and presents it to the class. All the projects together make the picture of the Country Mouse’s house.

IV. Hometask:

Your hometask is – to write an answer to the Country Mouse: Vladikavkaz


1 December 2015

Dear Country Mouse,

Thank you for your letter. You ask me to help you to choose a wonderful house in London. I am glad to help you.

Well, I think that I chose a lovely house for you. I would like to describe it. It isn’t very big. There are_______floors in it - ________________________________ and _____________________________. The _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ are upstairs. The _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ are downstairs. There is a big ____________________________________________________ behind the house and there are a lot of_________________________________________in front of it.

The sitting room is the_________________________________________________________________. There is__________________________________________________________________ furniture in it. There is _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The carpet is _________________________________________________________________________. It makes the room _____________________________________________. In the corner you can see ____________________________________________________________________________________. On the left ________________________________________________________________________________________________. There is ________________________________________________________________________________________ next to _________________________________________________________________________________________.

I hope you like the house. Write back soon.

Lots of love,


Курсы повышения квалификации

Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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План-конспект урока по английскому языку для начальных классов "The Place We Live In" (14.54 КB)

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