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Письмо другу (описание квартиры)

Образец личного письма другу с описанием своей квартиры

Содержимое разработки

A letter to a friend

Dear Ben,

Thanks for your email about your house! I’m glad you’re enjoying your new place!

As for my house, well, it is in the city center and it’s quite nice too. The best thing about our new house is that all the shops are really close to it. The bookshop is on the right, the supermarket is next to it and the baker’s is across the road. What is more, it takes me only ten minutes to get to school and I’m really happy about it!

We also have a very nice park in front of the house and I often spend time there together with my friends! You know, we now live in the same neighbourhood!

That’s all for now. Write back soon!



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13800 руб.
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