Тип урока: Комбинированный
Тема: My School’s Birthday
Цели урока:
Практические: Развитие навыков говорения на основе закрепления выученного лексико – грамматического материала по подтемам “Цвета. Числительные 1-20. День рождения. Школа”; формирование навыков взаимодействия в парах; развитие коммуникативных компетенций.
Развивающие: Развивать умения самостоятельно защитить проект; последовательность изложения мысли на английском языке; внимание и память.
Воспитательные: Формировать любознательность, трудолюбие, воспитывать культуру общения.
Оборудование: карточки, схемы, диск, магнитофон.
Ход урока
Организационный этап
Teacher: Good morning children!
Children: Good morning to you!
Good morning to you
We’re all in our places
With sunshine faces
Good morning to you
We are glad to see you!
Введение учеников в языковую среду
Речевая разминка
Teacher: To start with let’s repeat our twisters with the right pronunciation
My name’s James and that is Pat!
This is Masid’s house!
Eric the parrot and Eddy are friends!
Объявление темы и ожидаемых результатов
Teacher: Children! The topic of our lesson is “Our School’s Birthday”. We’ll remember colours and numbers. We’ll read, write, speak and sing songs. At the end of the lesson you will present us your projects about our school.
Актуализация опорных знаний
Активизация навыков говорения по подтеме “Приветствие”
Teacher: Your first task is to make short dialogues according to this model:
A: Hello! What’s your name?
B: Cindy!
A: Cindy? How do you spell it?
B: C-I-N-D-Y
But you should say your name.
Дети рассказывают диалоги, используя свои имена.
Активизация грамматических навыков употребления неопределённого артикля “a/an”.
Teacher: Children, now it’s time to revise our grammar. The task is to make two colorful flowers. On the petals there are some words, so you should take them and stick to the right article.
Активизация навыков говорения, письма и аудирования по подтеме“Цвета”.
First of all, revise our rhyme about colours (Физкультминутка)
one, two – red and blue
up and down – yellow and brown
bow to a queen – orange and green
look at a kite – black and white.
Your next task is to fill in this table. Take the card and try to guess what colour is it, then write it down in the square and stick the balloon with this colour.
Дети вписывают лексические единицы в карточки, и выбирают шар необходимого цвета.
Listening WB: p.23 ex.8 (курс “Welcome I”)
Teacher: Look at this picture! It’s a clown. His name’s Martin. Have you recognized him? We wrote him the birthday card some lessons ago. Now, you should listen to the tape and colour his clothes.
Tape script
Colour the clown’s hat “red”
Yes, colour the hat RED.
Now, colour the shirt “green”
GREEN shirt?
Yes, the shirt is GREEN.
Colour the trousers “yellow” YELLOW trousers.
Yes, YELLOW trousers
Colour the shoes “pink”
PINK! Colour the shoes PINK!
Дети подходят к рисунку на доске и разрисовывают одежду клоуна.
Teacher: I see you are a little bit tired. So, let’s say our new rhyme.
Stand up, sit down
Stretch your body, look around
Sit down, stand up
Hop and step and jump
Bend over, take a leaf
Swim, crouch and leap
Sit down, stand up
Hop and step and jump
Look up, look down
Dance, dance and turn round
Активизация навыков чтения и говорения по подтеме: “День рождения”
Teacher: I’d like to revise this topic by making dialogues with the phrases you have already known. Let’s look thought them.
A: Happy Birthday, _________!
B: I’m _______.
A: Here’s your present.
B: Oh, thank you. What is it?
A: Open it and see!
B: Wow! It’s a … Thank you.
A: You’re welcome!
Дети берут карточки с рисунками различных подарков и составляют диалоги.
Актуализация языковых навыков по подтеме “Числительные”.
Children, let’s sing the song “Twenty in the class”
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten, eleven, twelve,
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,
nineteen, twenty children іn the class.
I can count the children in the class
I can count the children in the class
I can count the boys,
I can count the girls,
I can count the children in the class.
Now, I offer you to build the building of our school. Look here! There are 20 bricks. Find the right number at the board and stick the brick with the word near it. Take two bricks at once.
Діти заменяют числительные словами на доске.
V. Розвитие языковых навыков, презентация проектов по теме “My School’s Birthday”
Teacher: Dear children! This year we will celebrate our school’s birthday. We made our presents to it. Every pupil from our group has made his own project about our school. So, let’s congratulate our school.
Дети защищают творческие проекты выполненные по опорной схеме.
I make friends here My teachers are nice and great I study my favourite subjects
I love my school because…
We go two our gym to train and keep fit I learn to read, to write, to count
We spend our best time here, we dance, we sing, we draw
VI. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
Teacher: Children! Now it’s time to make a conclusion of our lesson
What did you do at the lesson?
Дети отвечают на родном языке.
What do you like best?
Дети высказывают свои впечатления от урока.
VII. Домашнее задание.
Teacher: Your homework is to draw two flowers and write down six words on the petals with indefinite article “a/an”.
Our lesson is coming to the end. You were active and you get such marks …. . I wish you success in studying.