Nyasepetrosk is a small town to the north of Chelyabinsk. Nyasepetrovsk is situated on the banks of two rivers – Nyaza and Ufa. It was founded by Peter Osokin.
Peter Osokin couldn’t give the town his own name, but he wished it very much. He decided to build Saint Peter’s Church. First it was wooden building, later on its place was built new stone church. There was a cinema in this building In the Soviet time. Now it a church again.
Nyasepetrovsk was called so due to the river Nyasa, which meaning is “fir tree” in Bashkor and the name Peter. The town is surrounded by fir forests since present days.
There are many wooden houses in town streets.
The bank of river Ufa. Ufa is the longest and the cleanest rivers in our region
Nyasepetrovsk boarded on Bashkortostan and Sverdlovsk region.
On this old photo you can see the factory dam on the river Nyasa.
In 1747 an iron factory was founded In Nyasepetrovsk.
Here you can see old shop of the factory and trademark in form of a fish
This is modern view of the factory.
Today the factory products cranes.
The railway station and steam engine.
It is the building of the museum. It is situated in an old residence. On the second photo you can see design of an ancient room in museum.
One of the oldest schools in region is school № 1
Plan of Shemakhinskaya cave1
In the cave.
Mineral spring “Kurgasak”
Sulfuric spring is situated in Nyazepetrovsk region and is an archeology's monument, because ancient tribes lived in this place. During Pugachev’s War there was a rebels’ camp here. You can find old fortifications in this place. Our students visited this magnificent place.
There are the ancient pictures on the rocks.
There are many rocks on the banks of the river Ufa.
Old railway bridge.
Here you can see “ledoresy”. They were built to break ice and to protect the bridge in spring.
It is the flag and the coat of Nyasepetrovsk. You can see fir and two rivers Nyasa and Ufa on it.
On the coat there is camel. It is taken from coat of Chelyabisk
- Энциклопедия Нязепетровского района. Общественная редколлегия (руководитель Селиванов В.Г.) – Челябинск 2013г.,423с.
- «За синими горами: повести и очерки об истории Нязепетровска и района» А.М. Постников. Челябинск: Дом печати,2002 г.,335с.
- «Познай свой край. Краеведение» Южно-Уральский государственный университет. Кафедра журналистики. Издательство «Абрис» 2006
- Stavrati B. The Urals. Titul, 2007.
- https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D1%8F%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA
- http://www.mojgorod.ru/cheljab_obl/njazpetrvsk/index.html
- https://np-vesti.ru/
- https://ru.images.search.yahoo.com