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Методическая разработка по теме: "ИКАО"

Методическая разработка по теме: "ИКАО"


Содержимое разработки


I. Read and translate the international words and proper names:

International Civil Aviation Organization, conference, constitution, convention, document, aeronautical designer, internationalism, prestigious, individual, organization, session, Secretary General, Chicago, Montreal, Paris

II. Learn the new vocabulary:

purpose – цель; promote – повышать

safety – безопасность; orderly – регулярный

development – развитие; invitation- приглашение

sign – подписывать participant – участник

ratify – утверждать select – выбирать

headquarters – штаб квартира council – совет

serve – служить

retirement – отставка

former – прежний, бывший

admire – очень любить

respect – уважать

influence – влияние

remarkable – замечательный

spirit – дух

award – награда

bestow to – присуждать

outstanding contribution – выдающийся вклад

appropriate citation – соответствующая цитата

establish – учреждать

aeronautical designer –авиаконструктор

posthumously - посмертно

III. Read and translate the text:


The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was founded in December 1944. Its purpose was to promote the safety and orderly development of international civil aviation. In 1944 fifty-two states met in Chicago at the invitation of the USA for the conference where the Convention on International Civil Aviation was signed. This document included the constitution of ICAO. The Chicago Conference was attended by some seven hundred participants from fifty-two countries. Twenty-six out of fifty-two states had ratified the convention.

At the Chicago Conference Montreal was selected as the seat for ICAO's headquarters. The ICAO Council meets in the Council Chamber at ICAO headquarters, Montreal. In August 1945 the ICAO's Council held its first session. Dr. Edward Warner of the United States was elected President of the ICAO Council and Dr. Albert Roper of France was elected Secretary General.

Dr. Warner served as President of the ICAO Council from 1945 until his retirement in 1957 and was greatly admired and respected for having influenced the development of civil aviation through his remarkable spirit of internationalism. The most prestigious award in the world of civil aviation is named after Dr. Edward Warner and is bestowed periodically by the ICAO Council on an individual or organization that has made an outstanding contribution to the development of international civil aviation.

The award, a gold medal with an appropriate citation, was established by the Council in 1958. The Edward Warner Award was presented to some world famous pioneer aviators and navigators, research scientists, former presidents and general secretaries of ICAO. Igor Sikorsky, the Russian pioneer aeronautical designer and engineer, was presented the Edward Warner Award in 1990 posthumously.

IV. Exercises:

1. Find the equivalents:

  1. council

  2. outstanding

  3. purpose

  4. headquarters

  5. development

  6. serve

  7. invitation

  8. contribution

  9. safety

  10. respect


  1. безопасность

  2. приглашение

  3. уважать

  4. выдающийся

  5. совет

  6. цель

  7. служить

  8. штаб-квартира

  9. вклад

2. Use the prepositions: at, as, by, for, from, of, to, with

  1. The Chicago Conference was attended ... 700 participants ... 52 countries.

  2. The Edward Warner Award is a gold medal ... an appropriate citation.

  3. It was presented ... some world famous aviators and navigators.

  4. Fifty-two states met... the Chicago Conference ... the invitation ... the USA.

  5. Dr. Edward Warner served ... the first ICAO Council President.

3. Complete the sentences.

  1. The Edward Warner Award was presented to………

  2. ……… held its first session.

  3. … had ratified the convention.

  4. Its purpose was to promote …

  5. The award, a gold medal …

  1. Make up sentences:

  1. Civil, included, of ICAO, on International, the constitution, Aviation, the convention.

  2. Council, the first, Dr. Warner, of the ICAO, President, was.

  3. the safety, to promote, is, of ICAO, and, the purpose, development, civil aviation, of international.

  4. Conference, at the Chicago, on International, was signed, Civil Aviation, the Convention.

5. Which of the following statements are true or false?

  1. ICAO paid attention to aircraft engine emission.

  2. The United Nation System was established in 1954.

  3. ICAO has six regional offices in the world.

  4. Russia plays a considerable role in the activities of ICAO.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Теоретические и практические основания методической деятельности преподавателя иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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