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Материал по английскому языку по теме “Our Farourite English and American Writers”

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Описание разработки

1st Compere: Dear friends! Today's English Party is devoted to the great English and

American writers, whose books are loved by both children and grown-ups all over the world.

2nd Compere: The names of some writers have become so familiar to you during your school years that very often we mix up whether this an English or an American one.

1st Compere: That is why we have asked our students to dramatize any scene from their favorite books. (Pause)

Hi, lads, what are you doing there? (Addressing a group of people dressed in fancy-ball's costumes. They can come from the corridor leading to the library) We haven't begun yet.

Tom Sawyer: That's fine we are not late. The president of our "Club of Famous Captains" has sent the main characters of your favourite books to take part in your party. So we are here, look at this people. They'll speak about themselves and you'll soon know who is who.

Robin Hood: How do you do, boys and girls'? Do you know who I am? I am Robin Hood. Ballads dedicated to me and my merry man were written down at varios times but not earlier than the 14th and 15th centuries. I am an outlaw but today I am your guest. Let me introduce my friend Gulliver to you.

Gulliver: My name is Gulliver. I am a famous traveller and explorer of un­known lands. My thrilling adventures in Lilliput and Brobdingnag, Laputa and in the country of the Houyhnhnms made my author Jonathan Swift very popular.

Robinson Crusoe: My book stands next to Gulliver's on the bookshelf. And my author Daniel Defoe as well as J.Swift is considered to be the founder of early bourgeois realism in England. I've spent so much time alone on the deserted island that now I enjoy the company of other literary characters. Here are my best friends - sir Ivanhoe from Walter Scott's novel and Mr.Pickwiek from Charles Dickens book.

Sherlock Holmes: My name is Sherlock Holmes. They say I am the best detective of all the times. But I don't trust them. You know that I’m fond of checking everything by myself. I’d like to play you the violin but I’m afraid you don't have time for that, (but the comperes plead him to play)

1st Compere: Yes, it is time now to begin speaking about the authors who wrote the books in which the following characters appear.

(Now each group introduces its writer and shows a scene from his famous book acted by the pupils)

Two American folk songs "Cindy" and "Home, Sweet Home" can be sung by the pupils at the end of the party.

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме Our Farourite English and American Writers

2nd Compere: We've talked quite a lot about our favourite writers today. It's very pleasant to see that all of you like them and know something about them. I think that all the children enjoyed the party. Thank you. Good-bye everyone.

Scene can be taken from:

1. Sherlock Holmes Adventures

"English Reader for the 9th grade" p.35

2. Mr.Pickwick

The same book p. 13 + textbook "English 10" p. 118

3. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

"Тематические вечера на английском языке" А.Л.Димент p.89, p.96

4. Nicholas Nickleby

The same book p.107

5. Bernard Shaw's plays p.234

6. O'Henry's stories (see “Short Stories'' after 0'Henry)

7. Shakespeare's plays

(see "English For Enjoyment") Ф.М.Рожкова p. 164

8. S.Oscar Wilde's plays

The same book p.224

Tom Sawyer: Now you'll get acquainted with the adventures of my best friend Huck Finn. Mark Twain the author of these books described the characters that came from real life.

Sherlock Holmes: I enjoyed that play. But let me introduce the one where my creator Conan Doyle will describe me and Doctor Watson in the story "The Gay Ribbon".

Gulliver: Not bad! Very exciting! Do you wish to relax now after thriller?! Then let's meet the main characters of Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion".

Robin Hood: Do you know why it is so important to be Earnest? The characters of Oscar Wilde's play "The Importance of Being Earnest" do.

Sir Ivanhoe: Not only children but grown-ups too read and enjoy Alice's adventures in Wonderland". Now meet the main characters of this book.

Mr. Pickwick: Once I had met with the policeman. So my impressions are not the best ones. Let's see what had happened in O'Henry's story 'The Policeman and the Choral".

Robinson Crusoe: Sometimes people are isolated not only on deserted islands but in their families too. See what happened in Browdy's family in "Hatter's Castle" after Archibald Cronin.

Sir Ivanhoe: To my mind it is time to have some fun. Let's get acquainted with English humour.

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Содержимое разработки


Our Farourite English

and American Writers”

(an evening party for the students

of the 9-11 grades)

Teacher:Zherdeva T.V.

gymnasium № 36

city of Krasnodar

Our Farourite English and American Writers”

(an evening party for the students of the 9-11 grades)

1st Compere: Dear friends! Today's English Party is devoted to the great English and

American writers, whose books are loved by both children and grown-ups all over the world.

2nd Compere: The names of some writers have become so familiar to you during your school years that very often we mix up whether this an English or an American one.

1st Compere: That is why we have asked our students to dramatize any scene from their favorite books. (Pause)

Hi, lads, what are you doing there? (Addressing a group of people dressed in fancy-ball's costumes. They can come from the corridor leading to the library) We haven't begun yet.

Tom Sawyer: That's fine we are not late. The president of our "Club of Famous Captains" has sent the main characters of your favourite books to take part in your party. So we are here, look at this people. They'll speak about themselves and you'll soon know who is who.

Robin Hood: How do you do, boys and girls'? Do you know who I am? I am Robin Hood. Ballads dedicated to me and my merry man were written down at varios times but not earlier than the 14th and 15th centuries. I am an outlaw but today I am your guest. Let me introduce my friend Gulliver to you.

Gulliver: My name is Gulliver. I am a famous traveller and explorer of un­known lands. My thrilling adventures in Lilliput and Brobdingnag, Laputa and in the country of the Houyhnhnms made my author Jonathan Swift very popular.

Robinson Crusoe: My book stands next to Gulliver's on the bookshelf. And my author Daniel Defoe as well as J.Swift is considered to be the founder of early bourgeois realism in England. I've spent so much time alone on the deserted island that now I enjoy the company of other literary characters. Here are my best friends - sir Ivanhoe from Walter Scott's novel and Mr.Pickwiek from Charles Dickens book.

Sherlock Holmes: My name is Sherlock Holmes. They say I am the best detective of all the times. But I don't trust them. You know that I’m fond of checking everything by myself. I’d like to play you the violin but I’m afraid you don't have time for that, (but the comperes plead him to play)

1st Compere: Yes, it is time now to begin speaking about the authors who wrote the books in which the following characters appear.

(Now each group introduces its writer and shows a scene from his famous book acted by the pupils)

Two American folk songs "Cindy" and "Home, Sweet Home" can be sung by the pupils at the end of the party.

2nd Compere: We've talked quite a lot about our favourite writers today. It's very pleasant to see that all of you like them and know something about them. I think that all the children enjoyed the party. Thank you. Good-bye everyone.

Scene can be taken from:

1. Sherlock Holmes Adventures

"English Reader for the 9th grade" p.35

2. Mr.Pickwick

The same book p. 13 + textbook "English 10" p. 118

3. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

"Тематические вечера на английском языке" А.Л.Димент p.89, p.96

4. Nicholas Nickleby

The same book p.107

5. Bernard Shaw's plays p.234

6. O'Henry's stories (see “Short Stories'' after 0'Henry)
7. Shakespeare's plays

(see "English For Enjoyment") Ф.М.Рожкова p. 164

8. S.Oscar Wilde's plays

The same book p.224

Tom Sawyer: Now you'll get acquainted with the adventures of my best friend Huck Finn. Mark Twain the author of these books described the characters that came from real life.

Sherlock Holmes: I enjoyed that play. But let me introduce the one where my creator Conan Doyle will describe me and Doctor Watson in the story "The Gay Ribbon".

Gulliver: Not bad! Very exciting! Do you wish to relax now after thriller?! Then let's meet the main characters of Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion".

Robin Hood: Do you know why it is so important to be Earnest? The characters of Oscar Wilde's play "The Importance of Being Earnest" do.

Sir Ivanhoe: Not only children but grown-ups too read and enjoy Alice's adventures in Wonderland". Now meet the main characters of this book.

Mr. Pickwick: Once I had met with the policeman. So my impressions are not the best ones. Let's see what had happened in O'Henry's story 'The Policeman and the Choral".

Robinson Crusoe: Sometimes people are isolated not only on deserted islands but in their families too. See what happened in Browdy's family in "Hatter's Castle" after Archibald Cronin.

Sir Ivanhoe: To my mind it is time to have some fun. Let's get acquainted with English humour.

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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