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Мастер-класс по английскому языку "Путешествовать - значит жить!"


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Мастер-класс по английскому языку

«Путешествовать – значит жить!»

Оснащение: раздаточный материал с заданиями для работы в парах, фотографии для работы в группах, презентация учителя.

Техническое обеспечение: компьютер и мультимедийный проектор, колонки.

1. Приветствие, просмотр видеоролика “Brighton in the rain” с целью определения темы урока.

Good morning! Watch the video and try to guess the topic of our lesson.

Yes, you are right! Travelling, of course. Only travelling gives us a wonderful opportunity to see interesting countries, to enjoy the beauty of the world. As H. C. Andersen once said, “To travel is to live!” As for me, I quite agree with these words. And what about you?

2. Определение цели и задач урока.

And what is the aim of our lesson?

The aim:

to learn more about travelling.

How can we achieve this aim?

We have to solve some tasks.

We can discuss something, for example

The tasks:

  • to discuss reasons for travelling:

  • to improve our reading and writing skills on the topic.

3. Brainstorming.

By the way, why do people travel? What are the reasons for travelling?

You see, as many men – as many minds.

4. Работа в парах (раздаточный материалПриложение 1).

And now let’s work in pairs. I’ll give you a sheet of paper with the character of a person and a sheet of paper with different ideas about travelling. Find the ideas of your character. I’ll give you 2-3 minutes.

5. Анаграмма.

Pay attention to the screen and solve the anagramme (AREAMC). Of course, it’s impossible to travel without the camera and unforgettable photos.

6. Работа в группах.

I have got some photos for you too. They are taken in different interesting places of the world. It is a postcard to your English pen-friend. Imagine that you are having a holiday in a wonderful place according to your postcard. You have got the photo but there is no text on it. You should write a short note to your English pen-friend on the opposite side of the photo. You may describe the weather, the lace, your impressions and so on. Don’t forget about the rules of letter-writing and linking words. Try to make your postcards emotional.

You will work in groups. When you finish writing, the leader of your group will read your postcard and after that we’ll choose the best.

7. Взаимооценка работы групп.

Лист успешности работы группы

(«да» – 1 балл, «нет» – 0 баллов)

(5 баллов – «5», 4 балла – «4», 3 - 2 балла – «3», 1 балл – «2»)


Да/Нет - Баллы

Наша группа работала как единая команда

Мы обсуждали решения и принимали решения вместе

Мы поддерживали друг друга и помогали друг другу

В нашей группе уважается мнение каждого

В нашей группе ценятся таланты и способности каждого

Оценка работы группы

8. Закрепление полученной информации. Составление синквейна.

T- Let’s make a Cinquain poem about travelling now. A Cinquain poem focuses on one idea. It has five lines and follows a pattern.

1 ряд - одно слово (существительное), определяющее содержание

2 ряд - 2 прилагательных, характеризующих понятие.

3 ряд - 3 глагола, показывают действие понятия

4 ряд - предложение из 4 слов. Выражает авторское отношение

5 ряд – одно слово (существительное), другое определение понятия.

9. Now it’s time to make a conclusion.

The Conclusion

The aim

The tasks

10. Оценка урока.

Choose the right word for the lesson. Explain your choice.











Dear pupils, you were very active, creative and bright. Thank you very much for the lesson.

Приложение 1.

A businessman

An experienced traveller

A professor of History

A couch potato

A risk-taker

A poor student

A. I like to travel alone or with my students. They travel with me from curiosity. They like to see the beauty of the world and learn traditions of other countries. I think travelling is very enjoyable. It expands our outlook and helps us to understand other people better.

B. I don’t like to travel at all. I believe it’s better to stay at home because travelling is dangerous and expensive. I prefer watching TV programmes about nature.

C. I like to travel alone or with my friends. Usually I travel for pleasure. When I travel I like to go sightseeing or explore unknown places. I have already visited a lot of exotic countries in different parts of our planet. I believe travelling is exciting and gives us life experience.

D. Usually I travel alone to develop trade relations. When I travel I like to meet new people. I think travelling is useful and helps me to earn money but sometimes it’s a bit tiring.

E. I like adventures! I usually choose a holiday that I will never forget. I prefer safari somewhere in Africa or windsurfing and diving in the Red or the Mediterranean Sea. Once I saw a huge shark which appeared from behind a coral rock. Fortunately, the shark took no interest in me and quickly disappeared.

F. I enjoy travelling abroad. It’s fantastic! Unfortunately, I have little money and I have to work in foreign countries, for example, to pick fruit in Spain or work in the restaurant. Accommodation is free or sometimes we live in tents. It’s a cheap and healthy holiday. It’s wonderful, isn’t it?

Курсы повышения квалификации

Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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