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Listening Comprehension Test –topic “FOOD”, 6th Form 2016(winter)

Listening Comprehension Test –topic “FOOD”, 6th Form 2016(winter)

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Listening Comprehension Test –topic “FOOD”, 6th Form 2016(winter)

Jack: My favourite dish is fish and chips. I adore Cola and vanilla ice-cream. I hate salads, fruit and milk. I never have breakfast. My mom thinks I’m eating junk food.

Nelly: I’m keen on diets and healthy eating habits. I always have breakfast before school. It’s usually some porridge. I like rough wheat bread and the yoghurt my mom makes at home. I often drink green tea and take an apple or a banana to school. I think we are what we eat. We never eat late in the evening.

Mike: I like to eat everything that we have in the fridge at any time I want. These are usually some biscuits with milk, some cheese, some sausages. I eat a lot of fruit. I have supper late in the evening together with the family.

  1. Whose diet/way of eating is right do you think?

  2. Correct mistakes:

1. Jack likes healthy food.

2. Jack adores banana ice-cream and salads.

3. He never eats fish.

4. Nelly never keeps to a diet.

5. Nelly always eats fruit.

6. She thinks eating habits should be healthy.

7. Mike always eats at the same time.

8. Mike never eats fruit.

9. He has supper at 6 p.m.

III. What mistakes in eating habits do the children have? Insert numbers into the table below.

  1. Fish and chips.

  2. Cola.

  3. Vanilla ice-cream.

  4. Salads.

  5. Fruit.

  6. Milk.

  7. Porridge.

  8. Rough wheat bread.

  9. Sausages.

  10. Cheese.

  11. Yoghurt.

  12. Biscuits.

  13. Green tea.

  14. Never has breakfast.

  15. Is keen on diets.

  16. Always has breakfast.

  17. Never eats late in the evening.

  18. Eats fast food.

  19. Eats a lot of fruit.

  20. Has supper late in the evening.

  21. Eats junk food.

  22. Eats healthy food.




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