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"Лингвистический вкус эпохи" мысли вслух...

"Speaker Corner" Мероприятие в рамках недели иностранного языка


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ГБОУ Школа №867 Ткаченко Т.Н.

Linguistic savor of the epoch

I’m sure that ones in a while anybody has a thought like, why we use certain words and language constructions in our speech. Why do we talk so, but not another way? What kind of regulator does command us to say particular words? I believe, we may name it as a language taste. My speech will be dedicated (посвящена) today to this phenomenon.

Language taste – to my humble opinion, is a set of norms and standards of linguistic behavior, put it simpler, your system of preferences. Language taste belongs not only to the individual but, also, the community — generation of people. These tastes definitely change over time, and this is a normal process.

So, after understanding definition «Language taste» we can move to the main part of the talk. It is very curious issue what processes occur (происходят) in modern Russian language. Speech culture has changed measures of acceptability (меры допустимости), the rules have become freer, not only in communication and language but also in other spheres of activity. Implementing English words plays an important role in current language development. Adoption of international words happen even if it is not needed. There are a lot of points of view on this subject. This a controversial question, because, like all thing in our planet, this phenomenon has its own pluses and minuses. However I will repeat once more that tastes very often change over time. One should not forget that old generation sometimes has difficulties in understanding the words which are spoken by younger generation. It always happens, and history knows the examples. For illustration, in Russia in the 18 century the part of nobility thought that young people like Karamsin had spoiled (портят) the great Russian language. However, with the time it became clear that they made a mistake – Karamsin did not spoil our language, but changed it. Based on the above we can assume that nowadays we may go through the same thing.

In conclusion, I want to say that it is not surprising for many of us that the language taste can be not so pleasant and likable, but do not worry; fortunately, taste can be improved and cultivated. For this, I call you to pay greater attention to our own language and words that resound around. Let me remind you that we are the bearers of the great language of Pushkin, Tolstoy and Chekhov. There is no doubt, we have what to be proud about!

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Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

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