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Лексико-грамматический тест для 6 класса

Лексико-грамматический тест для 6 класса 


Содержимое разработки

Lexical-Grammar Test (6th form)

1. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the proper tense form.

It was New Year at the court of King Arthur. The King, the Queen and all the Knights of the Round Table (1- to celebrate). Suddenly the door (2- to open) and everybody (3-to turn) round. A Knight ( 4-to ride) into the room on a magnificent horse. The Knight and his horse (5-to be) completely green!

The strange green Knight (6-to get off) his horse and (7-to speak). “ I know that King Arthur and his Knights (8-to be) famous for their bravery. I (9-to come) to test their bravery with a little game. Here (10- to be ) my axe. One of you, brave Knights, must try to cut off my head. But, next year, on the same day, I (11- to try) to do the same to that Knight.”

A brave and honest Knight, Sir Gawain, (12-to stand up) and (13-to say): “ I (14-to do it)”With no hesitation, he (15-to take) the axe and (16-to cut off) the Green Knight’s head. Then the strangest thing (17-to happen). The Green Knight (18-to pick up) his head, (19- to get) on his horse and ( 20 – to leave) the room!

2. Fill in the articles where necessary.

Alexander Graham Bell was 1___inventor of 2________telephone. He was born in 3___ Scotland in 1874. Bell entered 4____ University of 5____Edinburgh and became 6___teacher. Later he decided to become 7____doctor and he entered the medical department at 8___London University.

Then Bell left for 9___ USA and studied sounds there. An idea of inventing 10___special machine for 11__ deaf occurred to him. Working on this machine he invented 12___telephone in 1876. At first it wasn’t popular with the public, but later it became popular in 13___America. Bell started the Bell Telephone Company to produce telephones.

3. Choose the correct variant.

1. What … the news?

a) is b)are

2. Usually they have … parties on Saturday.

a) children’s b) childrens’

3. I try to follow my parent’s …

a) advices b) advice

4. It was … time in my life.

a) the worst b) much worse

4. Fill in the correct preposition.

1. … my mind, it was the most stupid thing he could do.

2. What is that ring made…?

3. The UK consists… parts.

4. Do you keep … touch with many people?

5. Write the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. Some people find holidays boring and ( interesting).

2. He became a very (success) businessman.

3. The Tower in London is a (fame) tourist (attract).

4. She likes Physics, Chemistry and other (science) subjects.

6. Translate the words in brackets.

1. (мне) am hot.

2. You like chocolate, (не так ли)?

3. Do you want to know the news (которые) my brother told me yesterday?

4. Stop (разговаривать). Our lesson isn’t over.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Интерактивные методы в практике школьного образования

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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