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Лексика к уроку "The Vanishing smile" Starlight 6

Лексический материал к уроку

Содержимое разработки

The Vanishing Smile


  1. Probably

  2. To vandalise a statue

  3. To burgle a house

  4. To break into a museum

  5. To escape out the back door

  6. Attract-attraction-attractive

  7. Inspire-inspiration

  8. However

  9. Steal-stole-stolen

  10. To cause sth

  11. Guards\the guard on duty

  12. Cleaning staff

  13. Maintenance workers

  14. Curators

  15. Reopen its doors

  16. Enter –entrance

  17. Empty

  18. Unhook from the wall

  19. Carry sth off

  20. A stairwell\staircase

  21. Lead-led-led

  22. Somehow

  23. The thief \thieves escaped

  24. To assume

  25. To shoot pictures

  26. Precious artwork

  27. Realise

  28. The only clue

  29. Discover\discovery

  30. A heavy frame discarded

  31. Conflicting rumours

  32. Apartment

  33. To commit a crime

  34. The solution

  35. A fateful morning

  36. Hide-hid-hidden

  37. Admit stealing the painting

  38. Leave-left-left

  39. Iron pegs

  40. Remove

  41. Remain in a cupboard

  42. Attempt to sell

  43. Catch-caught-caught

  44. To serve a sentence

  45. To reside

  46. Bulletproof glass

Курсы повышения квалификации

Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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