Lesson 1
I can/can’t
· After this lesson Students learn: 10 verbs of actions (run, jump, fly, fight, go, swim, sing, dance, can, become); 4 adjectives (fast, good, bad, slow)
· Ss can: Use in oral speech lexical units and speech samples on the topic of the lesson. Request and report information about what you can/can't do.
· Ss know: how to tell about their skills
Things you need: puzzles, video, cards with actions,
Introduction | Introduction myself as a teacher, telling about English – class rules (Try to speak in English, but use Russian, if you see, that children don’t catch you, code – word ( when I say “power” Students clap 3 times ) Organizational moments (smarts, ect) | 10 min/80 |
Game Acquaintance “Snowball” | Teacher says the phrase “My name is….” Then Get the class to form a circle The first student says his name using the phrase “My name is….”, and shows any movement. All students should do the same movement and say “Hello, …” | 10 min/70 |
Guess what is the theme of the course and lesson | Let’s guess the theme of our lesson. Let’s divide into 3 teams. I will tell an animal each of you and you have to find you team, making this animal’s sound. Each team gets an envelope with puzzles (the images of superheroes). The winner is the team that will collect the picture faster than anyone. So, what is the theme of our lessons? Yes, you are right! It is “superheroes!” | 15min/55 |
Watching and listening | Alphabet Superheroes - ABC Superhero Song for Kids 1) Pre-watching: Can you answer the question: Do you like superheroes? 2) Video: “Alphabet Superheroes - ABC Superhero Song for Kids ” 3) Write down the phrase “ I like….” on the blackboard. Asking students: What is your favourite superhero?
| 10min/45 |
Grammar | Today our guest is Flash. Show children the picture of Flash. What he can do? Yes, you are right! He can run fast Can you run fast? (Teacher asks students one by one). Yes, I can/No, I can’t | 5min/40 |
Vocabulary The game “Show me” | A student says “I can (shows by gestures an action) fast”. The teacher says and writes this word on the blackboard. Then the student says the phrase again, with the verb. ex. -I can …. fast - Swim! -I can swim fast Then change the Phrase:
| 15min/25 |
The game outside “Sprinter” | And now I need 2 captains - Red Flash and Green Flash. Students pick the participants for their teams one by one. Then we go out together. 2 teams form 2 lines. On some distance from them cards with actions (verbs) lie. The teacher announces which card he needs. The team that brings the right card faster - wins. | 15min/10 |
Listen and singing | The video “Superheroes Finger Family Song - Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Hulk & more!” 1) Pre-watching: Can you answer the question: What superhero will be our guest for the next time? 2) Video: “Alphabet Superheroes - ABC Superhero Song for Kids ” 3) Make the task in the video | 5 min/5 |
Reflection | There are sentences written on different pieces of paper that start with “can you..." Students pull a piece of paper. The first one asks any student in the group. The second one has to answer yes / no and PROVE that he can really do something. Example: Masha, Can you jump? Yes, I can (jumps). | 5 min/0 |