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Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 1 для 8 класса (УМК «Spotlight»)

Цель: выявить уровень образовательных результатов учащихся. Предметные результаты: - воспринимать на слух и понимать запрашиваемую информацию в аутентичном тексте; - умение распознавать и употреблять в письменной речи изученный лексический материал по темам: «Страна изучаемого языка и родная страна», «Свободное время»; - распознавать и употреблять в речи past simple, past continuous, present perfect и present perfect continuous; - читать и находить в несложном аутентичном текст запрашиваемую информацию. Контрольные задания выполняются в течение 45 минут.

Содержимое разработки

Контрольная работа по английскому языку № 1 для 8 класса (УМК «Spotlight»)

Цель: выявить уровень образовательных результатов учащихся.

Предметные результаты:

- воспринимать на слух и понимать запрашиваемую информацию в аутентичном тексте;

- умение распознавать и употреблять в письменной речи изученный лексический материал по темам: «Страна изучаемого языка и родная страна», «Свободное время»;

- распознавать и употреблять в речи past simple, past continuous, present perfect и present perfect continuous;

- читать и находить в несложном аутентичном текст запрашиваемую информацию.

Контрольные задания выполняются в течение 45 минут.

Test work – 1 V-1


A Listen to some teenagers talking on a radio programme about their friends. Then, match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement.

A The speaker thinks of his/her friend as part of the family.

B The speaker moved close to his/her friend’s house.

C The speaker thinks he/she is lucky to have such good friends.

D The speaker sees his/her friends every day.

E The speaker and his/her friends share the same pastime.

F The speaker spends all his/her free time with his/her friend.

1. Speaker 1 ____

2. Speaker 2 ____

3. Speaker 3 ____

4. Speaker 4____

5. Speaker 5 ____


B Fill in the missing word/ phrase. There are two answers you do not need to use.

Showed up, acquaintances, niece, slim, got over, stubborn, colleagues, shrugged, tapping, reliable

1. Pam is so _____________ ! She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.

2. I don’t think Ann is going camping this weekend; she still hasn’t ______________ her cold.

3. I only met Ted three weeks ago at a party. We’re not really friends, we’re just ______________.

4. Don’t worry, Mike will be here on time; he’s very ______________.

5. When we complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just __________

his shoulders and said he couldn’t do anything about them.

6. Ben was _____________ his foot nervously while he was waiting for his test results.

7. When Alan told his _____________ that he was leaving the company, they decided to buy him a

going- away present.

8. Kate is a pretty girl with green eyes and a(n) ______________ build.


C Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1. My mother _____________ (rarely/leave) us home alone when we were young.

2. What time ______________ (you/take) the dog for a walk this morning?

3. Nadia _______________ (water) the flowers while Nick was cleaning out the garage.

4. We _____________ ( not/ meet) Sandra and Ian for coffee yesterday , because we were too busy.

5. Mary didn’t hear the phone ring because she _____________ ( listen) to music very loudly.

D Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

1. My younger brother is ____________________ (sociable) person in our family.

2. Don’t you think that Adam needs to be a bit _____________ (sensitive) to other people’s feelings?

3. Mrs. Brown is _______________________ (patient) teacher I have ever had.

4 Ben was very rude to Jane. I think that ________________ (little) he could do is apologise to her.

5. According to an English saying, the __________________ (old) we grow, the wiser we become.

E Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. He __________ (work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.

2. ___________ (you /ever/ eat) Chinese food?

3. Liz __________ (go) to the flea market. She’ll be back in an hour.

4. __________ (you/clean) all morning?

5. We ____________ (not/buy) all our Christmas presents yet.

Test work – 1 V-2


A Listen to some teenagers talking on a radio programme about their friends. Then, match the speakers (1-5) to the statements (A-F). There is one extra statement.

A The speaker thinks of his/her friend as part of the family.

B The speaker moved close to his/her friend’s house.

C The speaker thinks he/she is lucky to have such good friends.

D The speaker sees his/her friends every day.

E The speaker and his/her friends share the same pastime.

F The speaker spends all his/her free time with his/her friend.

1. Speaker 1 ____

2. Speaker 2 ____

3. Speaker 3 ____

4. Speaker 4____

5. Speaker 5 ____


B Fill in the missing word/ phrase. There are two answers you do not need to use.

Respect, colleagues, slim, stubborn, acquaintances, shrugged, tapping, reliable, got over, nephew

1.When Mike told his _____________ that he was leaving the company, they decided to buy him a

going- away present.

2. Don’t worry, Ted will be here on time; he’s very ______________.

3. Sarah is a pretty girl with blue eyes and a(n) ______________ build.

4. When we complained to the waiter about the noisy people at the next table, he just __________

his shoulders and said he couldn’t do anything about them.

5. Diana is so _____________ ! She never listens to anyone, and does whatever she wants.

6 . I only met Alan two weeks ago at a party. We’re not really friends, we’re just ______________.

7. I don’t think Lyn is going camping this weekend; she still hasn’t ______________ her cold.

8. Dan was _____________ his foot nervously while he was waiting for his test results.


C Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.

1. I _____________ ( not/ meet) Kate and Jason for coffee yesterday , because I was too busy.

2. What ______________ (you/do) at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon?

3. Sam didn’t hear the phone ring because he ____________ (listen) to music very loudly.

4. He picked up his jacket, locked the door and ___________ (leave).

5. When _______________ (you/ start) learning French?

D Put the adjectives in brackets into the correct form.

1. Paul is ____________ (selfish) person in his family.

2. I’ve never met a ________( dull) person than Steve.

3. Thanks so much for the flowers!- It’s ____________ (little) I could do.

4. The _________ (much) he said, the angrier I felt!

5. The sooner, the ___________ (well).

E Put the words in brackets into the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. We ____________ (not/buy) all our Christmas presents yet.

2. __________ (you/write) all morning?

3. Phil __________ (go) to the supermarket. He’ll be back in an hour.

4. ___________ (you /ever/ eat) Japanese food?

5. He __________ (work) very hard recently. He needs some time off.

Key to tests


A 1. C

2. F

3. A

4 E

5 D

B 1 stubborn 5 shrugged

2 got over 6 tapping

3 acquaintances 7 colleagues

4 reliable 8 slim

C 1. rarely left D 1 the most sociable

2. did you take 2 more sensitive

3. was watering 3 the most patient

4. didn’t meet 4 the least

5. was listening 5 older

E 1 has been working

2 have you ever eaten

3 has gone

4. have you been cleaning

5. haven’t bought


A 1. C

2. F

3. A

4 E

5 D

B 1 colleagues 5 stubborn

2 reliable 6 acquaintances

3 slim 7 got over

4 shrugged 8 tapping

C 1 didn’t meet D 1. the most selfish

2 were you doing 2. duller

3. was listening 3. the least

4. left 4. more

5. did you start 5. better

E 1 haven’t bought

2. have you been writing

3. has gone

4. have you ever eaten

5. has been working


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