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Конспект урока «The World Of Flowers And Plants»


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Планконспект «The World Of Flowers And Plants»

Тип урока: урок систематизации и обобщения знаний и умений, развитие речевых умений на основе применения усвоенного ранее лексико-грамматического материала в новых ситуациях общения (произношение, активизация фраз и речевых образцов, умение устного активного речевого общения)

Задачи урока:

Образовательные: активизировать пройденную лексику в серии речевых упражнений, развивать навыки говорения.

Развивающие: развитие логического мышления, памяти, внимания, восприятия, развитие навыков критического мышления, умения аргументировано высказываться.


воспитывать культуру работы в парах, группах по достижению общей цели; умение слушать и слышать одноклассников; повышать мотивацию изучения английского языка.

Формы организации познавательной деятельности: групповая, парная, индивидуальная.

T: Good morning. Glad to see you. You look great. How are you today? … Now, let me begin our lesson. I want to start with a riddle. If you solve it, you will know what we are going to speak about. Listen to me and think, please.

II.Определение темы урока учащимися по проблемному заданию, ознакомление учащихся с целями и задачами урока

Tell me, please, my dear friend:

What has petals, leaves and stem?

Its smell is so sweet!

You can give it as a gift!

T: Can you guess what it is?

P: Flowers.

T: Yes, you are right. We are going tо speak about flowers today. Let’s read a poem about flowers, let’s say all together:

I like flowers that are bright,

I like flowers that are white.

I like flowers with a nice smell,

That blossom in gardens so well!

Ok, well done. Thank you.

III. Активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме «Season»

T: We know the names of the seasons and the names of the months. Let's remember them. Name the time of year and its months.

T.: Well done, good job! Did you know that every month has its own flower? And our task now is to name flowers for each month and to paste in a picture of it. I will give you hints.

1. It is as white as snow and appears in forests and gardens when there is still snow there. (snowdrop)

2. This flower grows on a small tree and it’s blossoms are pink, white or red. The flower for May (hawthorn)

3. It is a climbing plant with blue or purple blossoms. The flower for September (morning_glory)

4. People who love themselves very much and think that they are the most beautiful in the world are called so. (daffodil)

5. You can often see these flowers on the waters of the quiet lake. (water_lily)

6. These flowers are bright red, orange, purple or yellow. They look like cups. August flower (poppy)

7 . It is an evergreen. It’s flowers produce red berries for the Christmas season. (holly)

8. It is one of the earliest spring flowers. The flower for February (primrose)

9. It is a climbing plant which often decorates country houses. The flower for October (hop)

10. You can see these flowers everywhere in the fields, gardens and even roadsides. The flower for April (daisy)

11. It is one of the oldest known flowers. It’s a national flower and emblem of Japan

























Water lily





Morning glory





V. Контроль усвоения пройденного материала, обсуждение допущенных ошибок и их коррекция.

Now, you can easily speak about 12 flowers of the year. Try to tell us about them.

There are ___ __________ in the year. They are: __________, ___________, ____________, ____________. Each season has ____ _________, and every month has its flower.

I want to tell you about (winter, spring, summer, autumn). There are three _________months. They are: __________, ___________, ___________. And there are also three _________ flowers. __________ is the flower for ___________. ___________is the flower for __________. And the flower for ___________ is ____________.

Well done. It was very good. Thank you.

VI. Информация о домашнем задании, инструктаж по его выполнению.

T.: Our lesson is coming to an end. I want you to write down your home task for tomorrow.

VII. Рефлексия (подведение итогов занятия).

T.: You all worked great today. I’m very pleased with your work. And now, at the end of our lesson, I want you to make a conclusion and to make up only one sentence about today’s lesson and about new things you have learnt.

daisy water lily

poppy honeysuckle

Primrose chrysanthemum

Holly snowdrop

Hawthorn morning glory

hop daffodil

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
1000 руб.
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