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Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе Writing skills. Descriptive articles describing events. Средства выразительности при описании. Описание праздников.

Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе к Модулю 1 CELEBRATIONS (Праздники) Writing skills. Descriptive articles describing events. Средства выразительности при описании. Описание праздников.


Содержимое разработки

Модуль 1 CELEBRATIONS (Праздники) 9 ч.

Lesson 5 (___)

Тема: Writing skills.

Цели: освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме «Праздники»;

узнать о средствах выразительности при описании;

научиться описывать праздники;

развивать навыки во всех видах речевой деятельности;

развивать учебно-познавательную компетенцию через развитие способов учебной деятельности (заполнение пропусков в тексте);

развивать эстетическое сознание через освоение культурного наследия народов мира;

воспитать нравственные ценности и ориентиры;

воспитать дружелюбное и толерантное отношения к ценностям иных культур.

Активная лексика:  festive, fabulous, enthusiastically, energetically, heartily, stunning, float, display, stall, maypole.

Оборудование: УМК "Spotlight"- 9, под редакцией Ю.Е. Ваулиной, Дж. Дули, аудиодополнение, доска, презентация.



Greeting 1. Беседа.

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

 P-s: Good morning, teacher.

 T: I’m glad to see you.

 P-s: We are glad to see you too.

T: Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Answer my questions, please. What date is it today?

 P1: Today is ….

Aim 2. Сообщение темы и цели урока.

T: Nice to meet you, dear boys and girls! Hope you are in a good mood today, aren’t you? Well, I’d like to bring a little bit more cheer into your moods, don’t you mind? Your task is to watch a piece of youtube video and then answer some questions. Ok?

Учащиеся просматривают видео и дают ответы на вопросы.

Warming-up 3. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.

T: Sure you have guessed the event happening in the video. People celebrate New Year coming. My questions: 
1. What country welcomes New Year? How did you guess it? 
2. How do people feel? 
3. What are their favorite activities these festive days? 
4. How do you think what the Scotts do expect from the coming year? 
5. Would you like to be in Scotland during this holiday? Why and why not? 
P1: 1. Scotland welcomes New Year. I noticed the name of the capital of Scotland on the video. 
P2: 2. They feel happy and excited. 
P3: 3. They are on the streets and sing, dance together and enjoy different festive attractions. 
P4: 4. They may expect happiness, success, good luck, love… 
P5:5. I’d like to celebrate New Year with the Scotts. It will be fun. 

Check on 4. Фронтальный опрос.

Homework Устная или письменная проверка лексического материала прошлых уроков.


Listening 1. Развитие умений поискового и изучающего аудирования. Аудирование с выборочным извлечением заданной информации.

а) Introducing the topic. Ex1, p18.

T: Listen to recording, look at the picture and visualise what is happening. Say what kind of event it is and what is happening at it.

P: Scottish New Year.

b) Predicting the content of a text. Ex2, p18.

T: Look through the list of activities. Write the headings: ‘The Day Before’ and ‘The Actual Day’. Listen to the recording and check your answers.


The Day Before

The Actual Day

bake cakes and biscuits

clean their houses

listen to the bells chime midnight

kiss and wish each other ‘Happy New Year’

listen to traditional music

join hands and sing

visit friends and neighbours

Reading 2. Поисковое и изучающее чтение.

a) Reading for comprehension (matching paragraphs to headings) Ex3, p18.

T: Now, I’d like you to write a tiny dictation but I will not dictate I will spell the only word and your task is to catch the this word. What will you have got? Let’s start! H-O-G-M-A-N-A-Y Tell me please what have you got? Yes, it’s Hogmanay. Who can tell me about Hogmanay? What does it mean? (the 9th formers usually do not imagine what it means) 
Well, do not be confused, please. We will find it. For that open your Student’s books p. 18 Let’s start reading the text "Hogmanay”. But the task is not only to read and understand the idea of the story but to match the paragraphs to the headings given here: 
A. Final comments/peoples’ feelings 
B. The actual event 
C. Setting the scene (name, time, place, reason) 
D. Activities before the actual event 
You are ready I see. Come on! Read the text and complete the task individually.

P: 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 A

b) Identifying adjectives and adverbs in descriptions. Ex4, p19.

Учащиеся записывают слова в словарь.









С энтузиазмом












Платформа на колёсах









Майское дерево

T: Well done! Now it’s high time to discuss description skills. To make a description more vivid, interesting and lively, the author uses a variety of descriptive adjectives and adverbs. For example, …crowds watch excitedly, a stunning fireworks display (from the text). Can you find some more examples from the text? 

P: live concerts, fabulous carnivals, excited people, colourful costumes, watch excitedly, heartily wishes, proudly sing, traditional song, stunning fireworks display, great celebration. 


Writing 3. Активизация лексического материала урока. Ex5, p19.

a) Practising using adjectives in descriptions.

T: Read the two texts and read through the list of adjectives. Pay attention to what is being described by the adjectives and choose the appropriate adjective that fits with the meaning of the sentence. Complete the task individually.

P1: A 1 tall 2 colourful 3 festive 4 stunning 5 enthusiastic

P2: B 1 Local 2 brightly decorated 3 crowded 4 delicious 5 huge

b) Practising using adverbs in descriptions. Ex6, p19.

T: Pay attention to the verb being described and choose the appropriate adverb. Complete the task individually.

P: 1 patiently 2 happily 3 excitedly 4 proudly 5 enthusiastically

c) Understanding a rubric. Ex7, p19.

T: Well, can we now write a descriptive event about Apple Day. I am sure we can! As an introduction, what can you propose, please? 
P1: Apple Day is largely celebrated in England. It happens in October. It is an exciting celebration. 
T: As a main body, what can you suggest? 
P2: Kids learn apple poems by heart, adults bake apple cakes and pies. Everyone takes part in different apple contests etc. 
T: What a conclusion can you suggest? 
P3: People feel excited, happy. Children are lucky to get prizes etc 
T: Imagine, our English School Newspaper "БиLingua” has declared the contest "The Best ‘Apple Day’ composition”. Let’s take part in it. Your home task is to write a descriptive article "Apple day” using the ideas of today’s lesson. I hope you will cope perfectly with this task. Please, keep in mind: follow the plan of a descriptive event we have discussed today. 
Well, have you caught any new information for you today? 
P4: 1. Hogmanay is new year celebration in Scotland 
2. Hogmanay means New Morning 
3. The Scotts bake Black Bun cakes 
4. There is a huge torchlight procession through the streets 
5. I have learned how to write a descriptive event 


Homework 1. Домашнее задание.

T: Open your diaries, please, and write down your home task: Письменно выполнить упр.3 на стр.20 согласно Appendix 1. Повторить лексический материал прошлых уроков. Выучить новые слова. Повторить песню SS1.

Summarizing 2. Подведение итогов урока.

T: What did we do? What did we learn? What was difficult? Did you like our lesson?  What did you like or didn’t you like today? 
P1: It was interesting to sing the Scottish traditional song in a Scottish way. 
P2: It is cool (fun, hard, boring) to compose a descriptive story. 
T: Thank you for sharing your opinions. Your marks are… That is the end of our lesson. Good luck. See you.

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Конспект урока английского языка в 9 классе Writing skills. Descriptive articles describing events. Средства выразительности при описании. Описание праздников. (23.41 KB)

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