Цель урока:
продолжить формировать и совершенствовать лексические и грамматические навыки и умения (The Past Perfect Tense) делать вывод, обобщать, выделять проблемы, сокращать и расширять тексты в устном и письменном изложении в рамках изучаемой темы на основе дифференциации;
способствовать выработке умений формировать устные неподготовленные сообщения с опорой на источник информации, на жизненный и речевой опыт;
продолжить формирование навыков и совершенствовать умения составлять устное сообщения.
Развивающие: развивать умение систематизировать знания, память, креативное мышление, логику изложения в устной и письменной речи, делать умозаключения.
Воспитательные: Формировать сознание необходимости беречь здоровье, что следует делать/не делать, чтобы быть здоровым; прививать познавательный интерес, интерес к творческой деятельности.
Методы обучения:
по степени самостоятельности мышления учащихся: репродуктивные, продуктивные; по степени управления учебной работой: под управлением учителя, самостоятельная работа.
Материально – дидактическое оснащение:
учебник, проектор, компьютер, экран, доска, MP3, карточки.
Ход урока.
1. Орг. момент (2 мин. )
Good morning, dear children! I am glad to see you! Today we`ll devote our lesson to reading, writing, speaking about healthy food, because health is considered to be above wealth.
There are funny faces on your desks I want you show me your mood. Are you happy, are you sad, or you are OK.
2. Фонетическая разминка (4 мин. )
There are pictures at your desks. You will take your cards, come to the blackboard, put them and tell What food helps people to be healthy, strong and energetic. What food we shouldn’t eat.
- You should eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables because they give you lots of vitamins, especially Vitamin C which is important.
- But you mustn’t eat too many sweets or chocolates because they’re bad for your teeth.
- Eggs and milk also give calcium which is important for our bones.
- You shouldn’t eat too much.
3. Основная часть урока.
I know that your homework was dialogues. Now I want to check them. Please.
Проверка д. з. (Составление мини диалогов) (8мин)
A: I have a stomachache.
B: Is it something you ate?
A: Maybe. I’m not sure.
B: What did you have for breakfast?
A: The usual, cereal with milk and a banana.
B: Maybe it will go away in a little while.
A: My back is killing me.
B: What did you do?
A: I played football.
B: That’s it?
A: I injured my back one time just by sneezing.
B: You should see a doctor.
A: My brother smokes three packs a day.
B: How can he still be alive?
A: His doctor says his heart and lungs are strong and healthy.
B: Maybe I should start smoking.
A: The swine flu just killed 20 people in Mexico.
B: The government says we have nothing to worry about.
A: Then why are some schools telling the kids to stay home?
B: We need to wash our hands frequently, and we'll all be okay.
Sydney: Would you like to have some ice-cream
Martha: I wish I could, but I just can't. I'm on a diet.
Sydney: Come on, it's just a bite.
Martha: Please don't tempt me.
Sydney: Gee! You are really strong-willed.
Предтекстовый этап (Закрепление лексики) (5мин)
You can see some words. We will have to make sentences with these words.
- staying for dinner (we all enjoyed about staying for dinner)
- mealtime (People like to come together at mealtimes)
- to have some peas (Will you have some peas?)
- groups of food (There are five groups of food)
- enjoying dinner (Now Ralf isn’t enjoying his dinner much)
- spoiled (my good time is spoiled)
- fill differently (But Frank fill differently)
Весь материал - в архиве.