Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  7 класс  /  Конспект урока по английскому языку «Appearance»

Конспект урока по английскому языку «Appearance»

Работа активизирует использование лексического материала по теме "Внешность" в речи.

Описание разработки

Цель урока:

- активизация использования лексического материала по теме «Внешность» в речи;

- создание прочных речевых связей в определенных речевых ситуациях;

- развитие навыков устной речи.

Задачи урока:

1 Образовательный аспект:

- автоматизация использования в речи изученных лексических единиц;

- создание прочных речевых связей в определенных ситуациях;

- развитие навыков поискового чтения.

Ход урока.

Учитель: Good afternoon my dear pupils!

Ученик: Good afternoon teacher!

Учитель:Glad to see you again. Take your sits. Let’s begin our lesson with a song. Look at the screen and listen to the song. (Слайд 1+ песня «Parts of body»)

Ученик:Слушаютпесню«Parts of body».

Учитель: Let’s sing it all together.

Ученик:Поютпесню «Parts of body»

 Everybody has a body                                                       

And everybody has body parts, body parts

You have 10 fingers

You have 10 toes

You have 2 eyes

And you have 1 nose

You have 2 arms

You have 2 legs

And you have hair on the top of your head

Everybody has a body

Конспект урока по английскому языку Appearance

And everybody has body parts, body parts

You use your hands to pick things up

You use your arms to give great big hugs

You use your legs to run around

And your feet always touch the ground

Everybody has a body

And everybody has body parts, body parts

You use your eyes when you’re looking

You use your nose to smell what’s cooking

You use your ears to hear this song

You use your mouth to sing along

Everybody has a body

And everybody has body parts, body parts

Учитель:Children, answer the questions:

1) What is about this song?

Ученик 1:This song is about appearance.

Ученик 2: This song is aboutbody.

Ученик 3: This song is about parts of the body.

Учитель: Can we create the portrait of a man using the text? (Слайд 2)

Ученик 1: Yes, we can.

Ученик 2: No, we can’t.

Учитель:Today we’ll create different portraits using the texts. But at the beginning we should remember helpful vocabulary. Now look at the screen and answer the questions:

What is it?(Слайд 3)

Ученик 1: It is hair.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 3)

Ученик 2: It is a head.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд4)

Весь материал - в документе.

Содержимое разработки



Выполнил: Штейникова Ольга Сергеевна

учитель английского языка


Конспект урока по теме «Внешность»

УМК « Английский язык» О.А. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева

7 класс

Цель урока:

- активизация использования лексического материала по теме «Внешность» в речи;

- создание прочных речевых связей в определенных речевых ситуациях;

- развитие навыков устной речи.

Задачи урока:

1 Образовательный аспект:

- автоматизация использования в речи изученных лексических единиц;

- создание прочных речевых связей в определенных ситуациях;

- развитие навыков поискового чтения.

2 Развивающий аспект:

- развитие чувства языка на основе текста и наглядности;

- развитие языковой догадки;

- развитие навыков поискового чтения;

- развивать воображение, творческие способности, умение работать самостоятельно

3 Воспитательный аспект:

- воспитание интереса к изучению языка;

- воспитание культуры самостоятельной работы;

- воспитание самостоятельности и личной ответственности

Тип урока: урок развития речевых навыков на основе проектной технологии (обобщение изученного материала по теме «Внешность»)

Вид урока: урок развития устной речи

Оборудование: презентация, песня «Parts of body», аудиозапись со словами по теме, карточки с текстом, детали с частями тела, ватман, клей.

Ход урока

Учитель: Good afternoon my dear pupils!

Ученик: Good afternoon teacher!

Учитель: Glad to see you again. Take your sits. Let’s begin our lesson with a song. Look at the screen and listen to the song. (Слайд 1+ песня «Parts of body»)

Ученик: Слушают песню «Parts of body».

Учитель: Let’s sing it all together.

Ученик: Поют песню «Parts of body»

Everybody has a body                                                       
And everybody has body parts, body parts

You have 10 fingers
You have 10 toes
You have 2 eyes
And you have 1 nose
You have 2 arms
You have 2 legs
And you have hair on the top of your head

Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts

You use your hands to pick things up
You use your arms to give great big hugs
You use your legs to run around
And your feet always touch the ground

Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts

You use your eyes when you’re looking
You use your nose to smell what’s cooking
You use your ears to hear this song
You use your mouth to sing along

Everybody has a body
And everybody has body parts, body parts

Учитель: Children, answer the questions:

1) What is about this song?

Ученик 1: This song is about appearance.

Ученик 2: This song is about body.

Ученик 3: This song is about parts of the body.

Учитель: Can we create the portrait of a man using the text? (Слайд 2)

Ученик 1: Yes, we can.

Ученик 2: No, we can’t.

Учитель: Today we’ll create different portraits using the texts. But at the beginning we should remember helpful vocabulary. Now look at the screen and answer the questions:

What is it? (Слайд 3)

Ученик 1: It is hair.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 3)

Ученик 2: It is a head.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 4)

Ученик 3: It is an ear.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 5)

Ученик 4: It is an eye.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 6)

Ученик 5: It is a face.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 7)

Ученик 6: It is a nose.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 8)

Ученик 7: It is a neck.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 9)

Ученик 8: It is a tooth.

Учитель: What are they? (Слайд 10)

Ученик 9: They are teeth.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 11)

Ученик 10: It is a body.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 12)

Ученик 11: It is a mouth.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 13)

Ученик 12: It is a lip.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 14)

Ученик 1: It is an arm.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 15)

Ученик 2: It is a hand.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 16)

Ученик 3: It is a finger.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 17)

Ученик 4: It is a leg.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 18)

Ученик 5: It is a foot.

Учитель: What are they? (Слайд 18)

Ученик 6: They are feet.

Учитель: What is it? (Слайд 19)

Ученик 7: It is a toe.

Учитель: Very well. We remembered new words and let’s listen to these words once again. Listen and repeat. (Аудиозапись с лексикой)

Ученик: Проговаривают лексику за диктором

Учитель: Now we begin to create the portraits. But at first, look at the screen, you can see the plan of our work. Let’s read it. (Слайд 20)

Ученик: Читают план работы над проектом

Read the text.

Choose the suitable details.

Make up the portrait.

Present the project.

Учитель: Distribute the roles in your groups.

On the desk you have different details, text, glue and paper. Use all of these things for your project.

I’ll give you 5 minutes for it.

Who will be ready, rise the hand.

Ученик: Читают текст (Приложение 1) и составляют по описанию персонаж по деталям, которые приклеивают на ватман.

Учитель: Ok, let’s check.

The first is…

Ученик 1: Защита проекта.

Учитель: Do you agree with it?

Ученик 2: Yes, we do. / No, we don’t.

Учитель: Do you have questions?

Ученик 3: What colour is her hair?

Ученик 1: Her hair is blue.

Учитель: The second is…

Ученик 4: Защита проекта.

Учитель: Do you agree with it?

Ученик 5: Yes, we do. / No, we don’t.

Учитель: Do you have questions?

Ученик 6: What is his body?

Ученик 4: His body is stout.

Учитель: The last is…

Ученик 7: Защита проекта.

Учитель: Do you agree with it?

Ученик 8: Yes, we do. / No, we don’t.

Учитель: Do you have questions?

Ученик 9: What colour are his eyes?

Ученик 7: His body is stout.

Учитель: So, today we have learned how to describe the appearance of different people. You have known some new words. So, your home task is to describe your mother or father (or your friend). Open your day-books and write it.

Ученик: Записывают домашнюю работу.

Учитель: Now it will be interesting to know how you feel about our lesson. (Слайд 21)

Was it interesting for you and why?

Was it difficult for you and why?

What do you understand? Choose the beginning of the sentence and continue it.

Ученик 1: It was interesting, because I liked to describe the person.

Ученик 2: It was difficult, because I couldn’t understand some words.

Ученик 3: Today I learnt to describe people.

Ученик 4: Now I can describe people.

Ученик 5: I remembered the parts of body.

Ученик 6: I understand that appearance can be different.

Учитель: The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Ученик: Good-bye.

Список литературы

  1. Учебник О.А. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева « Английский язык», 7 класс

Приложение 1

Text 1

This is a young person. This is a beautiful girl. She has blue, soft and curly hair. She is slim and active. She has a nice, round face with big blue eyes and small, turned-up nose. Her legs and arms are shapely. She has pink lips. She likes singing songs and dreaming, but she is rather selfish person. She is a very good-looking girl. Who is she?

Text 2

This is a merry boy. He has an oval and kind face with a straight and long nose. His hair is short and fair. His smiling eyes are big and brown. He is a thin and tall boy. His legs and arms are strong and shapely. He has red and thin lips. He has a lot of friends and loves to play games with them. His hands and feet are big. He is honest and friendly boy. Who is he?

Text 3

This is a kind and merry person. He is nearly 40 years old. He is stout person. He likes to eat, especially jam. He has round and pleasant face with big brown eyes. He has big and turned-up nose. His hair is short and red. His legs and arms are short and plump. He has thin and red lips with white and good teeth. He has only friend and they meet with him every day. They like to play games. Who is he?

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
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