Opening lesson.
The theme of the lesson:
Job description
Teacher: Alshynbaeva F. G.
Semey 2014
The plan of the lesson
The theme of the lesson: “Job description”
The aims:
To teach pupils to get the main information about job description.
To develop pupils reading, writing, speaking and answering skills.
To introduce new material and to teach the new words.
To enlarge pupils knowledge on the topic.
To teach the pupils to be patriots.
Material required: cards, internet resources, books.
Procedure of the lesson.
I. Organization moment.
a) Talk with the duty b) asking the day, date, month.
II. Phonetic drill.
If you study, children
Light as in a lamp
Will be turned on.
All your desires,
Without much searching.
Will come true. (Ibray Altynsarin).
III. Checking the home work.
Your home task was about choosing a school.
Are the sentences true (v) or false (x).
Correct the false sentences
1. There are state and private schools in England (T)
2. The most public schools in Britain are Eton and Harrow(T)
3. 80 per cent of children go to state schools (F)
4. Manor school is an Independent Boarding school of boys 9-16 years (F)
5. St Luke’s school is Boarding school day school for boys and girls (T).
Introduction of new material.
IV. The new words:
Influence [‘influәns] – әсер ету
a fireman [faiәmәеn] – өрт сөндіруші
a boatman [‘boutmәеn] – қайық жүргізу
an ambulance [‘әеmbjulәns] – жедел жәрдем машинасы
an accountant [ә‘kәuntәnt] – есепші
a petrol attendant [‘petrәl ә‘tendәnt] – бензин тасу көмекшісі
V. The new theme: Job descriptions. I’ll distribute you these new text.
You must read and translate. First we divided our class info 3 group. group and group.
Most children are influenced by their parents, teachers, relatives and friends and they often want to go in their footsteps. Others prefer to go their own way. Each occupation should bring people joy and satisfaction from a job well done.
The man with thirteen jobs.
Peter Sikorsky is a very busy man. He is 45 years old and he has thirteen jobs. He is a postman, a policeman, a fireman, a taxi driver, a school-bus driver, a boatman, an ambulance man, an accountant, a petrol attendant, a barman. Also, he and his wife, Kate, have a shop and a small hotel.
Peter lives and works on the island of Gigha, in the west of Scotland. Only 120 people live on Gigha.
Every weekday Peter gets up at 6. 00 and makes breakfast for the hotel guests. At 8. 00 he drives the island's children to school. At 9. 00 he collects the post from the boat and delivers it to all the houses on the island.
He also delivers the beer to the island's only pub. Then he helps Kate in the shop.
We never have holidays and we don't like watching television. In the evenings Kate makes supper and I do the accounts. At 10. 00 we have a glass wine and then we go to bed.
Perhaps our life isn't very exciting, but we like it. ”
VI. If you understand this text. Look at the interactive board and answer these questions.
1. Where does Peter live?
2. How old is he?
3. How many jobs does he have?
4. What does his wife do?
5. What does Peter do in the morning?
6. Do they like their life?
VII. I ll give you these cards. Write about their jobs as in the given example. Use the vocabulary in the box
Example: She makes bread. She is a baker.
1. She sells flowers__________
2. She teachers English at a secondary school____________
3. She cuts and styles people’s hair__________________
4. He flies an airplane__________________
5. She treats people’s teeth_________________
6. He plays basketball__________________
Florist, teacher, hair dresser, pilot, dentist, basketball player.
Clever active shy
VIII. Warm up.
Like clever silent
Talkative hard working lively-көңілді
Patient charming charming
IX. Answer the questions: What will you be after leaving school?
I will be
X. Guess this crossword.
XI. Giving marks
XII. Giving home task
Ex. 1, p80. Ex. 2 p80. Write down
To read and retell the text: “Job description”.
The end of the lesson.