1 presenter - Hello, everybody.
2 p. - Hello, friends. We are glad to see you here.
1p. - Christmas is coming. It’s one of the most joyful and happiest days of the year. It’s a very special time for everyone.
2p. - It’s a great religious holiday. Jesus Christ was born on that day about 2 thousand years ago, though we do not know exactly when. When do we celebrate Christmas In Russia ?
(The juniors are answering. )
1p. - Yes, on the 7 of January. In English - speaking countries people celebrate it on the 25 of December. X - mas got its name from a special service or mass hold in churches on that day. Christ’s Mass or Christmas celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ.
- Cards and presents, tasty food, trimmings and decorations, carols, crackers and Nativity Play - it’s Christmas.
- It’s a day of miracles and wonders, it’s time for joy, happiness, hopes and nice expectations.
- Christmas is coming… And you are welcome to the wonderland of Christmas traditions and festivities right now.
- Our juniors and the 7 - graders will help us to start this unforgettable journey.
You are welcome…
The song «Silent night» is being performed by the students of the 3d grade.
1 - On this holiday there is a very nice tradition - the decoration of the Christmas tree.
2 - Who decorated the first Christmas tree? – No one knows it for sure. But many years ago a small fir tree was decorated by the German religious reformer with lit candles. Prince Albert took this tradition to England.
1 - How do we decorate the Christmas tree now? Children, help, please.
Children - With tinsel, shining balls - yellow, green, blue, orange, purple, red; Christmas ornaments.
2 - We usually put a star on the top of the Christmas tree. The star, which the three wise men followed.
Let’s sing the song “ Twinkle, twinkle, little star“ – the juniors are singing the song.
1 - In the evening on the 24 of December (or may be much earlier) children hang their X - mas stockings on their beds or put them under the X - mas tree.
2 - What are these stockings for?
- Let’s ask children.
Children - Father Christmas puts presents into them.
- Is X - mas stockings a real one?
Children - No, it’s rather big and very beautiful.
2 - Who is Father Christmas?
Children - Father Frost in England.
2 - How do we call Father Frost in America?
Juniors - Santa Claus.
2 - Right you are! I hope he will come soon. Let’s call him. One, two…
Children - Santa Claus, Santa Claus!
2– No answer. Children, who pulls his sleds?
Juniors - The reindeer.
2 – Let’s sing a song about the reindeer - he will hear and run to our place.
The song” Rudolph, the Red - nosed Reindeer“ is being performed.
1– Nobody.
2– Oh, I forgot to leave the carrot on the mantelpiece. (She takes a carrot from the small bag and puts it on the shelf).
Santa Claus is coming out….
S. C. – Hello, my dearest! How are you?
Juniors - Thank you, fine. And you?
S. C. – I am fine too))
1 – Santa, where is your reindeer?
S. C. – Oh, he is on the roof. Dear children, I have got a lot of presents for you, but I want you to play with me first. I know you are smart and can answer all my joyful questions. (The presentation - or he may just hang 2 posters with words and pictures)
1) Draw a line to match the picture and the word. Read them (the juniors are doing it)
Well done!
2) Now paint “food words” with blue and “animals” with red.
3) The next - there are X - mas bells with words around, but some letters are frozen - please, warm them up!
S. C. – Thank you very much. So nice to be here with you)
Juniors - Santa Claus, would you like to listen to our poem about Christmas?
S. C. – With pleasure.
(The juniors are standing in one row. Every kid is holding a colorful letter in hands down. While he/she starts talking he/she raises it up in order the guests see it)
M - for the Music, merry and clear
E - for the Eve, the crown of the year
R - for the Romping of bright girls and boys
R - for the Reindeer that bring them the toys
Y - for the Yule log, softly aglow
C - for the Cold of the sky and the snow
H - for the Hearth where they hang up the hose
R - for the Reel which the old folks propose
I –for the Icicles seen through the pane
S - for the Sleigh bells with tinkling refrain
T - for the Tree with gifts and abloom
M - for the Mistletoe hung in thr room
A - for the Anthems we all love to hear
S - for the St. Nicholas - joy of the year!
S. C. - It was great!
Juniors - And we can sing the song about X - mas.
They are singing the song “Jingle Bells“.
S. C. - My dear friends, you are wonderful! But I am really short of time I have a lot of things to do and the other children are waiting for me. There gifts are for you (He takes out of his bag big crackers and gives them to kids. ) Pull the crackers. (Children are putting on the festive caps, having got them from the crackers)
S. C. - See you next year!
Juniors - It was nice to meet you.
2 - Santa, don’t forget the carrot for the reindeer.
1pr. is stumbling on the log. – Oh, what is it?
2 –A X - mas log.
1– What for?
2–People burn it up in the fireplace.
1– Why?
2– I don’t know. Let’s ask children. They are smart and helpful. I suppose, they know.
Children, why do people burn the X - mas log?
To burn all the troubles and problems of the year.
Thank you. I think we need to do it too. (They take a tray and everybody puts a small stick, branch or even match there and put a fire on them - a soft X - mas music is heard)
1–On Christmas Eve, as a legend says, animals and birds are able to speak.
Look, a bird.
I think, it can speak today.
Let’s see. Children, ask her questions.
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