Цель урока:
Актуализация грамматических знаний в употреблении Second Conditional и совершенствование навыков разговорной компетенции по темам “Travelling”, “Sightseeng”.
Компоненты цели:
1) образовательный: расширение лингвистического кругозора и эрудиции обучающихся;
2) развивающий: развитие языковых способностей и готовности к коммуникации;
3) воспитательный: поддержание интереса к культуре своей страны и создание условий для формирование интереса к культуре страны изучаемого языка;
4) практический: формирование и развитие умения учащихся понимать иноязычные тексты публицистической направленности с Second Conditional /условное наклонение/ при аудировании; совершенствование навыков работы с иноязычным материалом по схемам и таблицам; активизация грамматического навыка употребления Second Conditional в речевых упражнениях; развитие воображения учащихся при прогнозировании возможных ситуаций; обучение культуре речевого общения по затронутым темам.
Оборудование: наглядный и раздаточный дополнительный аутентичный материал по темам коммуникации, проектор, ПК, ноутбук;
Грамматический материал: Second Conditional в структуре утвердительного и вопросительного предложения.
Учебный материал: Сафонова В. В. “English: Student’s Book” для 9 кл., раздел “The Young Writers Сlub”; Bernard Hartley “Streamline English”; Louise Hashemi “English Grammar in Use. Supplementary Exercises”; Thomson & Martinet “A Practical English Grammar”; Speak Out # 6/ 2001, Landmark Quiz, стр. 26; Wikipedia, the files.
Teacher: Nice to meet you. Everybody is here, aren’t they?
Pupil1: Yes, all are present and ready to work.
Teacher: I think you’ll work hard and enjoy today’s classroom activities.
а) A Critical Thinking task
The students see some pictures of famous people on the walls.
Look around. Do you recognize these people? What do they have in common?
Would you become one of them? Is it real? (No)
This is the topic of our today’s lesson. The sentences in which we say about something unreal for present moment are called Conditional sentences.
READING PRACTICE (Jig-saw reading)
Here are two texts about two of these stars Lionel Messi and Beyonce.
Skim them and find the unreal situation in each of them.
a) Groups read the texts silently
b) Lionel Messi
c) Lionel Messi was born on the 24th of June, 1987, in Argentina. At the age of 13 Messi moved to Spain. Messi became a star in his new country. He is a leader of his club in all championships. In 2012, he scored the most goals in a calendar year, and after it FIFA named him "Player of the Year". If they invited him to Kazakhstan, he would come to play here.
e) Beyonce
f) Beyonce was born on the 4th of September, 1981, in the USA. She became a lead vocalist of the group “Destiny's Child”. She later started singing alone, and became very popular about the world. She got a lot of music awards. Beyonce also starred in many films, including “Dream Girls”. She married a hip-hop artist Jay-Z in 2008. If she came to Kazakhstan, she would sing in Kazakh.
g) Students read out the unreal situation
h) Students read out the texts and translate them
1. Messi was born in Argentina. (True)
2. Beyonce starred in one film – “Dream Girls” (False. in many films)
3. Messi moved to the USA at the age of 13. (False to Spain)
4. Messi became “Player of the Year” in 2012. (true)
5. Beyonce loves hip-hop singers. (False, she is married to one of them)
Students unite in pairs (a boy and a girl) and ask each other questions on the texts:
1. When was she/he born?
2. How did she/he become a star?
3. What awards did she/he get?
Focus on the most difficult words:
Bachelor of Science - Бакалавр по естественным наукам
Qualifications - диплом
To apply for a job – писать заявление о приёме на работу
A driving license – водительские права
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