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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку (8 класс)


Содержимое разработки

8 класс Ключи к тестам:

Вариант 1





Vocabulary and Grammar

11.sociable 12. pessimistic 13. patient 14. pinch 15. litre

16.starts 17. am walking 18. have you met 19. have been waiting 20. will go

Вариант 2





Vocabulary and Grammar

11. patient 12. pessimistic 13. litre 14. sociable 15. pinch

16. am walking 17 will go. 18. starts 19. have you met 20. have been waiting

Exit test

Variant 1

2. Reading

Read the following text and mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say).

Since school is the place where you spend a good part of your day, it's a good idea to have a few rules regarding classroom etiquette in mind.

To begin with, it's always nice to greet your teacher and the other students when you walk into the classroom. If you go to class after the lesson has already started, it's polite to apologise to your teacher. During the lesson, you need to respect your classmates, as well as your teacher. That means you should pay attention to others when they're speaking to the whole class, and you shouldn't talk to those next to you while the teacher is trying to explain something.

Of course, all this doesn't mean that the classroom environment needs to be strict and boring. Your teacher will certainly appreciate it if you have something funny to share with the rest of the class. Also, if you have any fresh and creative ideas about a class project or trip, your teacher will be more than willing to hear about them. After all, teachers run out of ideas too! Remember, teachers were once students themselves, and they know very well that every now and then, the class needs to do something different from their usual routine and, above all, they know that learning should be fun!

6. You should never talk when entering the class. .......

7. If you are late, you need to bring a note from your parents. .......

8. You should never talk in the classroom. .......

9. It's OK to tell a joke in the classroom. .......

10. You should feel free to make any suggestions related to school matters to your teacher. .......

3. Vocabulary and Grammar

Fill in: pessimistic, sociable, patient, pinch, litre

11. Rachel has many friends because she's very ……

12. …..people always see the negative side of things.

13. Penny doesn't get angry easily. She's very…..

14. If you add…… a of salt, it will taste better.

15. Alan drinks….. a of milk every day.

4. Underline the correct item.

16. The film is starting/ starts at 8:00. Do you want to go to dinner before that?

17. I am walking / walk now.

18. Have you met/ Have you been meeting our new neighbours yet? They seem really nice.

19. Do you know where Mark is? I have waited / have been waiting for him for over an hour and I’m starting to lose my patience.

20. There’s someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is.

5. Choose the right variant:

1. Excuse me, do you speak English? I ... for a hotel.

a) look                                c) was looking

b) am looking                    d) have been looking

2.  Last summer we wanted a relaxing holiday, so we ... to stay on a small island.

a) choose                            c) had chosen

b) have chosen                   d) chose

3. Mathematics ... hard. I don't understand it.

a) are                                  c) was

b) is                                    d) were

4. While we ... for the train, it started to rain.

a) waited                            c) was waiting

b) are waiting                    d) were waiting

5. The police officer said that every house in that street ... already by the police.

a) search                            c) had been searched

b) were searched               d) searched

6. There is going to be a big art exhibition. It... a lot of visitors.

a) attracts                          c) has attracted

b) will attract                    d) attracted

7. The result of his investigation ... in the newspaper soon.

a) publish                          c) will be published

b) be published                  d) is published

8.  When they arrived home, their children ... outside the door waiting for them.

a) sit                                   c) was sitting

b) are sitting                     d) were sitting

9. We ... a new computer not long ago. Now the job will be done much more quickly.

a) had bought                    c) bought

b) was bought                    d) have bought

10. He was sorry that he ... to me for so long.

a) didn't write                   c) hadn't been writing

b) haven't been writing   d) hasn't been writing

11. The ring you found ... be returned to an old lady who had lost it.

a) can                                 c) have to

b) must                               d) are to

12. Everybody in our team played ... except the captain.

a) bad                                 c) worst

b) badly                              d) the worst

13. You know much, but you know ... than your teacher.

a) little                               c) least

b) less                                 d) much

14. Small shops are not as ... as supermarkets.

a) more convenient           c) most convenient

b) convenient                     d) the most convenient

15. Sarah is a very good pianist. She plays ... piano very well.

a) a                                     c) the

b)an                                   d)-

16. We had five phone calls, but there were ... for you.

a) no                                   c) either

b) none                               d) neither

17. I didn't have much time, but I ... visit a lot of places of interest in London.

a) can                                 c) must

b) was able to                    d) had to

18. That's an easy question! ... knows the answer!

a) All                                  c) Each

b) Everybody                     d) Every

19. The comic told silly jokes, but nobody laughed ... him.

a) on                                   c) at

b) under                             d)about

20. We feel sorry ... Sam because he hasn't got any friends.

a) for                                  c) with

b)about                              d) by

Exit test

Variant 2

2. Reading

Read the following text and mark the statements as T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn't say).

Since school is the place where you spend a good part of your day, it's a good idea to have a few rules regarding classroom etiquette in mind.

To begin with, it's always nice to greet your teacher and the other students when you walk into the classroom. If you go to class after the lesson has already started, it's polite to apologise to your teacher. During the lesson, you need to respect your classmates, as well as your teacher. That means you should pay attention to others when they're speaking to the whole class, and you shouldn't talk to those next to you while the teacher is trying to explain something.

Of course, all this doesn't mean that the classroom environment needs to be strict and boring. Your teacher will certainly appreciate it if you have something funny to share with the rest of the class. Also, if you have any fresh and creative ideas about a class project or trip, your teacher will be more than willing to hear about them. After all, teachers run out of ideas too! Remember, teachers were once students themselves, and they know very well that every now and then, the class needs to do something different from their usual routine and, above all, they know that learning should be fun!

6. You should never talk when entering the class. .......

7. If you are late, you need to bring a note from your parents. .......

8. You should never talk in the classroom. .......

9. It's OK to tell a joke in the classroom. .......

10. You should feel free to make any suggestions related to school matters to your teacher. .......

3. Vocabulary and Grammar

Fill in: pinch, litre, sociable, patient , pessimistic

11. Penny doesn't get angry easily. She's very…..

12. …..people always see the negative side of things.

13. Alan drinks….. a of milk every day.

14. Rachel has many friends because she's very ……

15. If you add…… a of salt, it will taste better.

4. Underline the correct item.

16. I am walking / walk now.

17. There’s someone at the door. I go/will go and see who it is.

18.The film is starting/ starts at 8:00. Do you want to go to dinner before that?

19. Have you met/ Have you been meeting our new neighbours yet? They seem really nice.

20. Do you know where Mark is? I have waited / have been waiting for him for over an hour and I’m starting to lose my patience.

5. Choose the right variant:

1. Excuse me, do you speak English? I ... for a hotel.

a) look                                c) was looking

b) am looking                    d) have been looking

2.  Last summer we wanted a relaxing holiday, so we ... to stay on a small island.

a) choose                            c) had chosen

b) have chosen                   d) chose

3. Mathematics ... hard. I don't understand it.

a) are                                  c) was

b) is                                    d) were

4. While we ... for the train, it started to rain.

a) waited                            c) was waiting

b) are waiting                    d) were waiting

5. The police officer said that every house in that street ... already by the police.

a) search                            c) had been searched

b) were searched               d) searched

6. There is going to be a big art exhibition. It... a lot of visitors.

a) attracts                          c) has attracted

b) will attract                    d) attracted

7. The result of his investigation ... in the newspaper soon.

a) publish                          c) will be published

b) be published                  d) is published

8.  When they arrived home, their children ... outside the door waiting for them.

a) sit                                   c) was sitting

b) are sitting                     d) were sitting

9. We ... a new computer not long ago. Now the job will be done much more quickly.

a) had bought                    c) bought

b) was bought                    d) have bought

10. He was sorry that he ... to me for so long.

a) didn't write                   c) hadn't been writing

b) haven't been writing   d) hasn't been writing

11. The ring you found ... be returned to an old lady who had lost it.

a) can                                 c) have to

b) must                               d) are to

12. Everybody in our team played ... except the captain.

a) bad                                 c) worst

b) badly                              d) the worst

13. You know much, but you know ... than your teacher.

a) little                               c) least

b) less                                 d) much

14. Small shops are not as ... as supermarkets.

a) more convenient           c) most convenient

b) convenient                     d) the most convenient

15. Sarah is a very good pianist. She plays ... piano very well.

a) a                                     c) the

b)an                                   d)-

16. We had five phone calls, but there were ... for you.

a) no                                   c) either

b) none                               d) neither

17. I didn't have much time, but I ... visit a lot of places of interest in London.

a) can                                 c) must

b) was able to                    d) had to

18. That's an easy question! ... knows the answer!

a) All                                  c) Each

b) Everybody                     d) Every

19. The comic told silly jokes, but nobody laughed ... him.

a) on                                   c) at

b) under                             d)about

20. We feel sorry ... Sam because he hasn't got any friends.

a) for                                  c) with

b)about                              d) by

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