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Интерактивный урок английского языка для 3 класса,учебник Spotlight-3!

Интерактивный урок с применением аудио- и видеоматериалов, ИКТ. Например, тесты в режиме онлайн, работа с электронными учебниками, обучающими программами, учебными сайтами.

Содержимое разработки

Lesson 3 page 12-15

Topic: School subjects. What is your favourite subject?

Aim: to develop speaking skills; to teach Pupils make up the dialogues;

To present the new vocabulary: difficult; normal; top-ten list.


I Warm up

Song “When I go to school”

T: So today we are going to speak about school, school subjects and make up the dialogues. But first of all I want you to repeat and write down the new words into your vocabularies.

Speaking Ex3 p.14

T: Read and act out the dialogue.

II The Body

2.1 Presenting New Vocabulary

Ex. 1 p. 14

T: Listen and repeat. English, Maths, Geography, PE, History, Science, Art, Music.

2.2 Game

T: Let’s play the game.(use the wordwall, pupils Deal out cards from at random from shuffled deck.


Writing Ex. 1 p. 14

T: Write down each new word into your vocabularies and remember how to spell the new words.


T: OK. Now we are going to tap the correct answer. A series of multiple choices.



    1. Dialogue

Presenting the micro-dialogue-model (children listen and read

Method: Active listening , turn taking


2.2 Making up the dialogues Ex 3 p. 14

Method2: Pupils make up their own dialogues, looking to the skeleton dialogue.

-What’s your favourite…!(subject)

B:I like… .What about…(you)?

A:I …(like) Music.

    1. Reproduction of the dialogue

Make up the dialogues in the correct order.


Learn the dialogue by heart. Any dialogue Ex 1-4 pages 14-15 or you can make up your own dialogue

Курсы повышения квалификации

Методика обучения английскому языку как второму иностранному

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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