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Intellectual game "Australia" (презентация-викторина)


1. Расширить знания учащихся об Австралии.

2. Вызвать интерес учащихся к данной стране.

3. Способствовать повышению интереса к изучению английского языка.



1. Обобщение и расширение знаний учащихся об Австралии.

2.Развитие лексических навыков учащихся по темам “History”, “Travelling”, etc.


Развивать у учащихся внимание, аналитическое мышление, языковую догадку.


Воспитывать и развивать у учащихся навыки работы в группе, уважительного отношения к товарищам по команде, соперникам.


- Проектор.

- Экран.

- Презентация.

- Стол и стулья для каждой из команд.

- Карточки для ответов.

- Оценочные листы для жюри.


Содержимое разработки

Intellectual game  «Australia: far away and unknown» 24.01.2013

Intellectual game «Australia: far away and unknown»


1. What do we mean by the word wattle? a) a bird b) a reptile c) the Australian national floral emblem d) a marsupial

1. What do we mean by the word wattle?

a) a bird

b) a reptile

c) the Australian national floral emblem

d) a marsupial

2. What do Australians call outback? a) a remote inland area b) the outskirts of a city c) the backyard of a house d) a remote beach area

2. What do Australians call outback?

a) a remote inland area

b) the outskirts of a city

c) the backyard of a house

d) a remote beach area

3. What do corals consist of? a) seaweed b) tiny polyps c) lots of fish d) stones

3. What do corals consist of?

a) seaweed

b) tiny polyps

c) lots of fish

d) stones

4. Which of these animals is indigenous in Australia? a) echidna b) deer c) wolf d) tiger

4. Which of these animals is indigenous in Australia?

a) echidna

b) deer

c) wolf

d) tiger

7. Which animal has a pouch?   a) elephant b) galah c) kangaroo d) bluetongue lizard

7. Which animal has a pouch?

a) elephant

b) galah

c) kangaroo

d) bluetongue lizard

12. How many stars does the Southern Cross consist of? a) three b) four c) seven d) five

12. How many stars does the Southern Cross consist of?

a) three

b) four

c) seven

d) five

14. What is the name of Australia's native people? a) Maoris b) Guineas c) Aborigines d) Papuans

14. What is the name of Australia's native people?

a) Maoris

b) Guineas

c) Aborigines

d) Papuans

16. Which are the national colours of Australia? a) black-red-gold b) green and yellow c) red-white-green d) blue and white

16. Which are the national colours of Australia?

a) black-red-gold

b) green and yellow

c) red-white-green

d) blue and white

20. What is a boomerang? a) an Australian dish b) a kind of weapon used by Aborigines c) a flower d) a musical instrument

20. What is a boomerang?

a) an Australian dish

b) a kind of weapon used by Aborigines

c) a flower

d) a musical instrument

28. In the 19th century free settlers were attracted to Australia by its a) beautiful beaches b) natural beauty c) rich farmlands d) gold mines

28. In the 19th century free settlers were attracted to Australia by its

a) beautiful beaches

b) natural beauty

c) rich farmlands

d) gold mines

31. The spring months in Australia are: a) September-October b) June-July c) March-April d) December-January

31. The spring months in Australia are:

a) September-October

b) June-July

c) March-April

d) December-January

35. Australia's national capital is a) Canberra b) Hobart c) Sydney d) Perth

35. Australia's national capital is

a) Canberra

b) Hobart

c) Sydney

d) Perth

36. In addition to the Olympic Games, Sydney also hosted this event in the year 2000 a) Commonwealth Games b) Australian Football Final c) Australian Regatta d) Paralympics

36. In addition to the Olympic Games, Sydney also hosted this event in the year 2000

a) Commonwealth Games

b) Australian Football Final

c) Australian Regatta

d) Paralympics

39. The official name of the country is a) Australia and New Zealand b) United Kingdom of Australia c) Commonwealth of Australia d) Republic of Australia

39. The official name of the country is

a) Australia and New Zealand

b) United Kingdom of Australia

c) Commonwealth of Australia

d) Republic of Australia

40. The eucalyptus has about species a) 700 b) 5,000 c)50 d)10

40. The eucalyptus has about species

a) 700

b) 5,000



19. What motives are there in the Australian flag? a) the Union Jack, the Southern Cross and a seven pointed star b) wattle, emu and koala c) the Union Jack and the Southern Cross d) a seven-pointed star, an emu and a kangaroo

19. What motives are there in the Australian flag?

a) the Union Jack, the Southern Cross and a seven pointed star

b) wattle, emu and koala

c) the Union Jack and the Southern Cross

d) a seven-pointed star, an emu and a kangaroo

Australia is the … largest country in the world a) second b) twentieth c) sixth d) eighth

Australia is the … largest country in the world

a) second

b) twentieth

c) sixth

d) eighth

The first Europeans to explore the continent were the … a) Vikings  b) Greeks c) Portuguese d) Romans

The first Europeans to explore the continent were the …

a) Vikings

b) Greeks

c) Portuguese

d) Romans

Australia leads the world in … production a) meat b) wool c) coal d) milk

Australia leads the world in … production

a) meat

b) wool

c) coal

d) milk

Australia Day is celebrated on … a) July 4 b) November 5 c) January 26 d) June 22

Australia Day is celebrated on …

a) July 4

b) November 5

c) January 26

d) June 22

8. Which animal sleeps around 20 hours a day? a) kangaroo b) platypus c) koala d) possum

8. Which animal sleeps around 20 hours a day?

a) kangaroo

b) platypus

c) koala

d) possum

Курсы повышения квалификации

Профессиональная компетентность педагогов в условиях внедрения ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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