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Функциональная грамотность: читательская грамотность и креативное мышление

Работа с текстом на развитие и формирование функциональной грамотности обучающихся среднего звена

Содержимое разработки

 Упражнения на развитие функциональной грамотности к УМК «Rainbow English», 5 класс   Ex.4, p. 76   Хмелевская Евгения Вадимовна, учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №6»г. Курчатова

Упражнения на развитие функциональной грамотности к УМК «Rainbow English», 5 класс Ex.4, p. 76

Хмелевская Евгения Вадимовна, учитель английского языка

МБОУ «СОШ №6»г. Курчатова



    Task 1. Before reading the text look at the title. Put down 3 nouns, 3 adjectives and 3 verbs which reflects the main idea of the text.   Nouns: town, …….  Adjectives: beautiful,…….  Verbs: visit,…….

Task 1. Before reading the text look at the title. Put down 3 nouns, 3 adjectives and 3 verbs which reflects the main idea of the text. Nouns: town, ……. Adjectives: beautiful,……. Verbs: visit,…….

 Task 2. Read the statements and choose T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).   N  Statements 1 T The town of my dream is cosy and comfortable to live in. 2 F My dream town is very big and fantastic. 3 NS There are no parks and yards in my dream town. 4 The town has a great number of landmarks for tourists. 5 My dream town is situated on a large green island.

Task 2. Read the statements and choose T (true), F (false) or NS (not stated).





The town of my dream is cosy and comfortable to live in.



My dream town is very big and fantastic.



There are no parks and yards in my dream town.


The town has a great number of landmarks for tourists.


My dream town is situated on a large green island.

 Task 3. Complete the sentences with the right word from the text.   1) The town of my dream is not very ____ and not very ____ but it is very______.   2) The ______ in my dream town are ______and________ with a lot of ____and ______   3) The _____in this town are big, ______ and modern.   4) There are museums and ______ _______ too.

Task 3. Complete the sentences with the right word from the text.

1) The town of my dream is not very ____ and not very ____ but it is very______.


2) The ______ in my dream town are ______and________ with a lot of ____and ______


3) The _____in this town are big, ______ and modern.


4) There are museums and ______ _______ too.

Task 4. Put the sentences in the correct order.   1) The streets in my dream town are wide and green with a lot of trees and flowers. 2) The schools in this town are big, light and modern. 3) There are a lot of things to see and to do in the town of my dream. 4) The town of my dream is not very big and not very small but it is very beautiful.  5) There’s a university for those who want to become students.

Task 4. Put the sentences in the correct order.

1) The streets in my dream town are wide and green with a lot of trees and flowers.

2) The schools in this town are big, light and modern.

3) There are a lot of things to see and to do in the town of my dream.

4) The town of my dream is not very big and not very small but it is very beautiful.

5) There’s a university for those who want to become students.

 Task 5. Underline the correct word in the sentence.   1) The town of (my/our/ its) dream  (am/is/are ) cosy and comfortable to live in. 2) The (parks/streets/yards) in my dream town are wide and green with (much/many/a lot of) trees and flowers. 3) There’s a (university/college/institute) for those who (wants/want/wanted) to become students.

Task 5. Underline the correct word in the sentence.

1) The town of (my/our/ its) dream  (am/is/are ) cosy and comfortable to live in.

2) The (parks/streets/yards) in my dream town are wide and green with (much/many/a lot of) trees and flowers.

3) There’s a (university/college/institute) for those who (wants/want/wanted) to become students.

 Task 6. Find English equivalents of these words and expressions in the text.     Не очень большой и не очень маленький, уютный и удобный для проживания, оздоровительные центры, кормят водоплавающих птиц,  музеи и картинные галереи, в городе есть аэропорт, кто хочет стать студентом.

Task 6. Find English equivalents of these words and expressions in the text.  

Не очень большой и не очень маленький, уютный и удобный для проживания, оздоровительные центры, кормят водоплавающих птиц,  музеи и картинные галереи, в городе есть аэропорт, кто хочет стать студентом.

Task 7. Make up a mind-map to the text.

Task 7. Make up a mind-map to the text.

Курсы повышения квалификации

Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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