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Final control work on Biology in a new format with one or more variants of answers

Final control work on Biology in a new format with one or more variants of answers


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Final control work on Biology in a new format with one or more variants of answers.

1.Despiralization of chromosomes occurs in:

A) the interphase

B) prophase

C) metaphase

D) telophase

E) anaphase

2. The living substance is missing a function:

A) oxidation-reduction

B) concentration

C) gas

D) has all the functions A, b, C

E) the functions A, b, C

3.Plasma membrane consists of:

A) from lipids and carbohydrates

B only protein from

C) only lipids

D) lipids and proteins

E) of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates

4. Information about synthesis of one protein molecule contains :

A) the DNA molecule

B) the triplet DNA

C) a gene

D) polysome

E) the ribosome

5.What group of animals is the ancestral form of the mammals:

A) stegocephalia

B) the mammal-like reptiles

C) Archaeopteryx

D) lobe-finned

E) ancient reptiles

6. To the tailed amphibians include:

A) Triton

B) the snake

C) the frog

D) antelope

E) Pipa Surinam

7. Lichens have:

A) roots, stem and leaves

B) only the rhizoids

C) the stem and rhizoids

D) only the leaves

E) there is no right answer

8. Cancer, the female attaches the eggs:

A) to chitin cover

B) to underwater objects

C) abdominal legs

D) to the body of the fish

E) there is no right answer

9. Organs of taste in fishes:

A) are found only in the oral cavity

B) respond only to salty taste

C) are not only in the oral cavity

D) respond only to bitter taste

E) there are no

10. Gluten is:

A) vegetable protein

B) a set of spare substances of the seed

C) vegetable fat

D) the set of minerals seed

E) the answer is C and D

11. In genetic engineering a vector "foreign" genes are:

A) bacteriophages

B) latent viruses

C) sex cells

D) plasmids

E) blastocyst

12. Allelic genes are called:

A) located at a distance from each other in one chromosome

B) are located next to one chromosome

C) determine the feasibility of development of alternative symptom

D) determine the feasibility of development of a new symptom

E) located in different autosomes

13. From the ectoderm is formed:

A) light


C) muscle

D) skeleton

E) endocrine glands

14. The wishbone in birds is:

A) fused first pair of ribs

B) fused sternum

C) fused clavicle

D) iron

E) fused rudiments of ribs

15. Mutualism may not be:

A) for juvenile fish and jellyfish

B) a lichen

C) the microorganisms in the rumen giraffes

D) have flagellated protozoa in the gut of termites

E) isotopicratios and sea buckthorn

16. Finca bovine tapeworm contains:

A) the head of the tapeworm with neck

B) the tapeworm head

C) the tapeworm larvae bull

D) the head of the tapeworm with neck and first two segments

E) a bovine tapeworm larva with six hooks

17. Not the xerophytes:

A) Balic

B) krascheninnikovia

C) marigold

D) butcher

E) Haloxylon

18. The roots of gigantism is responsible for a recessive gene – and that it is linked with the gene for green color of leaves (a dominant trait). Distance between genes – 20 Morgane. The giants crossed with purple leaves (recessive trait) and diheteropogon normal size with green leaves (obtained by crossing pure lines: giant with green leaves and Burgundy with the usual). What percentage of giants with green leaves was the result?

A) 10%

B) 20%

C) 30%

D) 40%

E) 50%

19. To pileate fungi does not apply:

A) polypore

B zelenushka

C) Agaricus

D) mushroom

E) Lactarius

20. What role can play and swim bladder in fish:

A) organ allocation

B) the organ of digestion

C) an organ of equilibrium

D) an organ of sound production

E) a hematopoietic organ

21. In the ribosome during translation is not formed:

A) protein primary structure

B) protein secondary structure

C) protein tertiary structure

D) protein structure and

E) protein structure and

22. Gibbons came from:

A) proprietarul

B) olopimegom

C) Parajanov

D) dryopithecus

E) Pithecanthropus

23. In the middle ear are:

A) organs of equilibrium

B) snail

C) the auditory ossicles

D) stapes

E) the auditory channel

24. The mantle cavity is the space between:

A) a shell and body

B) the body and the mantle

C) the shell and the mantle

D) B and C

E) only A

25. One cotyledon seeds contain:

A) Oak

B) Tomato

C) Luke

D) Apple

E) Rice

26. It is not true that catabolism is the process by which:

A) the reactions proceed stepwise involving enzymes

B) almost all the energy is released as heat

C) synthesize new proteins

D) proteins are not damaged when heat energy is

E) heat energy is released gradually

27. The circulatory system of Arthropods:

A) missing

B) has a heart on the dorsal side of the body

C) closed

D) open

E) the lymph moves through sinuses, or lacunae

28. Pregnant women need:

A) excess food

B) walking on air

C) attentive and caring attitude

D) a moderate but wholesome food

E) eating fast food

29. Homeostasis is characterized by:

A) a state of dynamic equilibrium

B) the process of breakdown of carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen

C) process of destruction of cells through their dissolution

D) a decrease in the viability of the organism

E) sustaining life

30. When meiosis occurs:

A) reduction of chromosome number

B) the chromosome

C) pachytene or pachynema

D) equazione division

E) fusion of haploid nuclei.


1)D, 2)D, 3)D, 4)C, 5)B, 6)A, 7)E, 8)C, 9)C, 10)A, 11)D, 12)C, 13)B, 14)C, 15)A 16)A, 17)C, 18)D, 19)A, 20)D, 21)B,C,E, 22)A,B, 23)C,D, 24)A,E, 25)C,E, 26)B,C, 27)B,D,E, 28)B,C,D, 29)A,E, 30)A,C,D.

He solution of the problem

The roots of gigantism is responsible for a recessive gene – and that it is linked with the gene for green color of leaves (a dominant trait). Distance between genes – 20 Morgane. The giants crossed with purple leaves (recessive trait) and diheteropogon normal size with green leaves (obtained by crossing pure lines: giant with green leaves and Burgundy with the usual). What percentage of giants with green leaves was the result?


aa – huge roots

AA, Aa – the usual root vegetables

bb – maroon leaves

BB, Bb – green leaves


F1 ?% (aB//ab)


P: huge regular green burgundy

ab//ab Ab//aB

G: ab/ AB/ - CROs. Ab/ aB/ ab / - CROs.

F1: Ab//ab, aB//ab, AB//ab – CROs. , ab//ab – CROs.

conventional semen,

normal semen,

maroon green,

green maroon

40% 40% 10% 10%

80 Morgane 20 Morgane

Answer: Giants with green leaves 40%

Курсы повышения квалификации

Применение кейс-технологии на уроках химии и биологии в условиях реализации ФГОС

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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