Цели: ознакомление учащихся с традициями празднования рождества в Англии и Америке; активизация творческих способностей учащихся при подготовке и проведении праздника; формирование интереса к изучению английского языка как средства знакомства с традициями англоязычных стран.
I. Предварительное знакомство с историей праздника на уроках английского языка.
Christmas Day, December, 25, is probably the most exciting day of the year for most English children. They also can give presents to their relatives and friends.
Englishmen traditionally decorate their Christmas trees with candles, many bells, baubles, tinsel and so on. They always put a star on top of the Christmas tree. At Christmas everyone decorates their houses with holly and mistletoe. They hang a mistletoe wreath on the front doors. mistletoe is a green plant with white berries. Holly bushes and trees have red berries and so people often hang a holly wreath on the front doors.
It’s a Christmas tradition for British people to kiss their friends and family under the mistletoe.
The legend says that at midnight on Christmas Eve evil spirits lose their power for a short time and animals can speak. Many people go to church at midnight on Christmas Eve. They hear the christmas story and sing carols. Carols are special christmas songs. Groups of children go from house to house, sing carols and collect money for charity. Children also sing carols at christmas parties at school and sometimes they do a play about the birth of the baby Jesus called “Nativity play” for their parents.
On Christmas the British eat cold meat, turkey, hot mince pies, Christmas cake (a kind of fruit cake), fruit and nuts.
On Christmas day children like to pull crackers after Christmas dinner. There is always a paper hat, a joke and a present in the crackers.
For dessert English people have Christmas puddings. Real Christmas pudding always has a piece of holly on the top. The British put a silver coin in it for good luck. Some people pour brandy over the pudding and light it. Then they eat it with cream.
At night Father Christmas (Santa Claus) comes with his sack of presents from the North Pole on his flying sleigh, pulled by his 8 reindeer.
British children put a mince pie for Father Christmas and carrots for his animals by the fireplace.
a mince pie is a small round pie, with a sweet mixture of currants, raisins, apples, nuts, spices and sugar. There is a popular Christmas song about the ninth reindeer who once led Santa and his reindeer through snow and fog with his nose. The song is called “Rudolph, the Red-nosed Reindeer”.
II. Подготовка к празднику.
1. Оформление кабинета (рисунки; елка, украшенная игрушками; снежинки на окнах; веночки из вечнозеленых растений; колокольчики).
2. Музыкальное оформление праздника (подбор музыки, песен).
3. Костюмы Деда Мороза, Снегурочки, различных зверей.
4. Разучивание детьми стихотворений, песен, подготовка сообщений о традициях Рождества. Репетиции – разучивание ролей к спектаклю. Исполнение.
III. Проведение праздника.
Teacher. Dear friends! Let’s celebrate the wonderful holiday. It is Christmas. To my mind it is the most exciting day of the year for our children.
1. Answer the questions.
1) What British Christmas traditions do you like most?
2) Do we celebrate Christmas? When?
3) What are you favourite New Year traditions?
4) What does your family usually have for New Year supper?
2. Lexical activities.
a) The spidergram “Christmas”.
Teacher. I’d like to know who wants to complete the spidergram “Christmas”?
Дети могут выполнять это задание на доске или на отдельных плакатах.
b) Decorate your Christmas tree.
Teacher. What do you usually decorate your Christmas tree with? Draw and label the toys.
Pupils use such decorations as coloured lights, candles, many baubles, toys, bells, tinsel and paper chains. They decorate the top of the tree with a fairy doll and an angel or a star.
c) Meeting Father Christmas.
Teacher. And now meet Father Christmas. He wants to ask you some questions.
1) Where does your Christmas tree stand in your flat?
2) When do you usually decorate it?
3) What do you put on top of the Christmas tree?
4) What are your favourite decorations?
3. Christmas poems.
Father Christmas. Now I’d like to listen to the poems about Christmas.
Christmas is a lovely time.
The snow lies white and thick.
Mistletoe is hard to find
And holly hard to pick.
Father Christmas. Thanks a lot. Take a present, please!
Christmas gifts
Gifts wrapped up in the Christmas paper
Sitting round the tree so bright
Children fast asleep in bed
As Santa comes tonight.
Father Christmas. Oh, your poem is wonderful! I’d like to give you a present for it.
Christmas windows
Tinsel round the windows bright
Pink, orange, red and white!
Glittering in the evening light
Oh, such a lovely sight!
Father Christmas. What a nice poem about Christmas! Will you take my present? Thank you very much, dear children, for your poems.
4. Christmas songs.
Teacher. And now meet Snowmaiden!
snowmaiden. dear children, I’m glad to see you. Do you know any Christmas songs?
Pupils sing Christmas songs.
Christmas is coming!
Christmas is coming!
The goose is getting fat
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