No animal better captured the history and mysterious beauty of the Galapagos Islands than the giant tortoise.
Perhaps, he suggested, they were simply too different to him to be a suitable match.
To their amazement and delight, when blood samples were taken, seventeen tortoises were shown to have high level of Pinta DNA.
Lovers of this type of fiction have always been captivated by the idea of travelling through space and discovering the perfect unspoilt planet to colonise.
History shows that man has an incredible capacity to adapt and survive.
To make matters worse, no planets matching the conditions required for human survival have been identified orbiting our nearest neighbor.
Given the known laws of the universe, travelling to a planet capable of supporting human life remains an impossibility.
However, it is only recently that the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of honey have been chemically explained.
To help prevent crop failure, potatoes should not be grown in the same soil for two years in a row.
He claims that the problem is one of distribution, not production and the genetically modified foods will not solve this problem.
Researches are currently looking into ways in which the use of honey can help conventional medicine in the treatment of drug resistant infections.
Environmentally, plants are the basic of the ecosystems in which animals live and grow.
The remarkable Vavilov spent two decades scoring some of the most inhospitable terrains in the world in order to bring seeds from diverse places.
We staggered towards to the woods, and even as we reached the trees the beasts were on us again.
It was a wonderful sight to see at least a hundred creatures of such enormous size and hideous appearance.
Damaging dust storms can also blow away soil and cause bone-dry sand dunes to “spread” onto preciously usable land.
Nevertheless, the leaden skies of August could not make me any less enthusiastic about my fast-approaching return to British education.
Before I could think of something amusing to say, they had begun to wander back to class leaving me red-faced and dumbfounded by the gate.
It is intensely humid and sweat bees drink form your skin, making it difficult to focus a lens without being stung.
And with that he rises quickly from his chairs and heads for the great outdoors, bound for an encounter with the local wildlife-taxi drivers and London pigeons.
Other effects of this approach to photography have almost been as impressive as the pictures themselves.
His photographs are unlike my others and include shots of serpentine jungle rivers, chameleons caught asleep.
Диктант к учебнику Starlight 11 Module 3-4

диктант по текстам 3-4 модулей к учебнику Starlight 11 кл

Карсанова Залина Адольфовна

Курсы повышения квалификации
Повышение эффективности овладения учащимися грамматическими средствами в современном иноязычном образовании в условиях ФГОС
Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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