Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Тесты  /  7 класс  /  Conjunctions, connecting words of time in English sentences – Exercise

Conjunctions, connecting words of time in English sentences – Exercise


Содержимое разработки

Conjunctions, connecting words of time in English sentences – Exercise

  1. On Sundays I often stay in bed until 10 o'clock.

  2. After John has done his homework, he may play his favourite computer game.

  3. We were on our way to Ashville when our car broke down.

  4. Before I go to school, I take my little brother to preschool.

  5. I'll phone you when I'm there.

  6. It's still two days before our son flies back to Chicago.

  7. After I finished school, I went to New Zealand.

  8. We had left the beach before the rain started.

  9. We stayed in our house until the rain stopped.

  10. When he heard about the accident he was shocked.

Начало формы

  1. On Sundays I often stay in bed        10 o'clock.

  2.        John has done his homework, he may play his favourite computer game.

  3. We were on our way to Ashville        our car broke down.

  4.        I go to school, I take my little brother to preschool.

  5. I'll phone you        I'm there.

  6. It's still two days        our son flies back to Chicago.

  7.        I finished school, I went to New Zealand.

  8. We had left the beach        the rain started.

  9. We stayed in our house        the rain stopped.

  10.        he heard about the accident he was shocked.

Конец формы

Курсы повышения квалификации

Активные и интерактивные методы и формы организации учебной деятельности на уроке иностранного языка

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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