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Biathlon in our life

Today we are going to talk about biathlon. Sport plays a big role in our life. Many people do sport in our country. There are many winter sports. For example, ice hockey, ice skating, bobsleigh and etc. In England and America, winter sports are not very popular, but in Russia they are common. But still biathlon is the most entertaining winter sport in the world.

History. The first competitions in skiing with shooting were conducted in 1767 in Norway but it was developed in the early 20th century.

The rules. As for rules of this sport, the rules of biathlon are to run on skis a certain distance. After each round, the athlete must shoot.

Famous athletes are Martin Fourcade and Bjoerndalen Ole Einar. Martin Fourcade is Outstanding sportsmen.

Why do we like biathlon? There are some reasons.


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Biathlon is our


Today we are going to talk about biathlon. Sport plays a big role in our life. Many people do sport in our country. There are many winter sports. For example, ice hockey, ice skating, bobsleigh and etc. In England and America, winter sports are not very popular, but in Russia they are common. But still biathlon is the most entertaining winter sport in the world.

History. The first competitions in skiing with shooting were conducted in 1767 in Norway but it was developed in the early 20th century.

The rules. As for rules of this sport, the rules of biathlon are to run on skis a certain distance. After each round, the athlete must shoot.

Famous athletes are Martin Fourcade and Bjoerndalen Ole Einar. Martin Fourcade is Outstanding sportsmen.

Why do we like biathlon? There are some reasons. Firstly, biathlon is a fascinating kind of sport: sportsmen ski and shoot in the firing lines. Secondly, biathlonists are the real sportsmen. They don`t seek fame and money as football players. They work forsports interest. Thirdly, there is an enormous competition in biathlon. A great quantity of different countries competes for the leading places. Thank you for attention.

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Biathlon  is life Выполнили: Колдомова Екатерина Олейник София МБОУ СОШ №76 г. Ижевска 7а класса

Biathlon is life


Колдомова Екатерина

Олейник София

МБОУ СОШ №76 г. Ижевска

7а класса

ice skating ice hockey Winter sports in Russia bobsleigh

ice skating

ice hockey

Winter sports in Russia


Winter sports  in England and America

Winter sports  in England and America



  • The first competitions in 1767 in Norway
The rules  to run on skis the athlete must shoot

The rules 

  • to run on skis
  • the athlete must shoot

famous athletes Ole Einar Bjoerndalen Martin Fourcade

famous athletes

Ole Einar Bjoerndalen

Martin Fourcade

Why do we like biathlon?

Why do we like biathlon?

Thank  you for attention

Thank you for attention

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