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Тесты по грамматики для пятого класс

содержит грамматические задания на present simple, past simple, present perfect

Содержимое разработки

Тест для 5 класса

  1. Составьте предложения


taking part in a horse race



playing the drums in the parade


playing sport games



visiting Liverpool


are packing their things



listening to traditional songs

  1. Прочитайте начало предложения в разделе А и найдите его продолжение в разделе В.


  1. Nick never…

  2. Liz is…

  3. John and Mark are…

  4. Tom’s brother...

  5. Nansy is…

  6. I often…


  1. … playing sports

  2. …enjoying attractions

  3. …goes to a picnic at weekend

  4. …going cycling

  5. …go to the museum

  6. …goes fishing

  1. Прочитайте текст. О каких событиях в нём говорится? Какие грамматические времена используются?


Richard likes reading books about history. His mother knows about it. She always buys him interesting books about history/ She has bought him a book about Vikings/. Richard is reading now.That’s what he has already read. Vikings came to England from Scandinavia in 793. They invaded the North of England. In the 10-th century nhey invaded the North of France. Then they went to the North America…


Present Simple

Present Progressive

Past Simple

Present Perfect

  1. Соедините колонки. Используйте предложения только один раз.

1 Last month

  1. They go for a walk in the park

2 Next summer

  1. Paul spent two weeks on the farm

3 This summer

  1. Celia is enjoying a cartoon on TV

4 After school

  1. They are spending their holidays in France

5 On Saturday

  1. Payl is going to ride in the riding school

6 On Sundays

  1. Paul won’t be at school

7 Now

  1. They have had a wonderful holiday in Wales

8 From 5 to 6 yesteday

  1. Oliver and his friend were doing puzzles

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Современные педагогические технологии в образовательном процессе

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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