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Презентация по английскому языку на тему "Рождественская викторина"

Презентация разработана с целью познакомить учащихся младших классов с культурой и традициями страны изучаемого языка.

Содержимое разработки

Christmas Quiz   The work is done by an English Teacher of Alexey L. Kekin Gymnasium Litovchenko D.N. 25 December, 2018

Christmas Quiz

The work is done by

an English Teacher of

Alexey L. Kekin Gymnasium

Litovchenko D.N.

25 December, 2018

When do the English people celebrate Christmas?

When do the English people celebrate Christmas?

On the 25 th of December.

On the 25 th of December.

What do people put in the middle of the room?

What do people put in the middle of the room?

A Christmas tree.

A Christmas tree.

What do people decorate their homes with?

What do people decorate their homes with?

With holly( остролист) .

With holly( остролист) .

What tradition is connected with mistletoe?

What tradition is connected with mistletoe?

People kiss under it.

People kiss under it.

What is the name of the Christmas bird?

What is the name of the Christmas bird?



Why is it a Christmas bird?

Why is it a Christmas bird?

Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They looked like robins.

Many years ago postmen had bright red coats. They looked like robins.

Who comes and brings presents?

Who comes and brings presents?

Santa Claus.

Santa Claus.

What do children hang on their beds?

What do children hang on their beds?



What do people send to friends?

What do people send to friends?



What is a traditional Christmas bird?

What is a traditional Christmas bird?



What do children put on the pudding?

What do children put on the pudding?



What day is the day on the 26 th of December?

What day is the day on the 26 th of December?

Boxing Day.

Boxing Day.

Why is it called Boxing Day?

Why is it called Boxing Day?

 Traditionally people put their presents into boxes.

Traditionally people put their presents into boxes.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

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