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Презентация-проект по английскому языку "Мой любимый Дагестан"

Презентация познакомит учащихся с республикой, которая входит в состав Российской Федерации.

Описание разработки

Republic of Dagestan, a part of the Russian Federation, located in the North Caucasus and the border is part of the South of Russia. It is bordered by land and the Caspian Sea to the five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Neighbors within the Russian Federation Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia and Chechnya.

Dagestan washed by the Caspian Sea. The southern boundary runs along the watershed ridge of the Greater Caucasus. Size and population - the largest republic in the North Caucasus. 

Green represents life, the abundance of land. Goluboy Dagestan - the color of the sea, symbolizes the beauty and grandeur of the Dagestani people. Red stands for democracy, educational power of the human mind in the process of creation of life, the courage and bravery of the country's population Mountains (Dagestan).

Coat of arms of Dagestan reflects the political, historical and cultural unity more than 30 related ethnic groups, formed a relatively small area in the North Caucasus.

Презентация-проект по английскому языку Мой любимый Дагестан

The Republic of Dagestan is one of the most attractive, colorful and distinctive regions of Russia. From time immemorial, Dagestan attracted countless travelers. The main value of Dagestan - its people, their Caucasian kindness and hospitality. Unrepeatable and unique culture and art of the peoples of the country. Every nation has retained its long-standing tradition here, folklore, crafts and language.

Derbent is the oldest center of Dagestan, the crucible of his spiritual and material culture. Hence the spread art, arts and crafts, writing, values of Islam. The combination of unique monuments of history, architecture, archeology, the magnificence of the natural landscape and pleasant climate give Derbent and its environs value a major center of Russian and international tourism.

Located in Dakhadayevsky District of Dagestan, at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level, this settlement does not know himself ravnyh.Po legend, the castle was founded in the VII century, the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad Quraish, who erected it at the top of rugged mountains, standing at the confluence of five rivers.

Only a narrow mountain trail connects Cala Koreish with the outside world. Thanks to this arrangement, the first residents to fully control the trade in the region and spread their faith freely.

Содержимое разработки

 Number    Kristina Goncharova   Russian National Contest with international participation


Kristina Goncharova

Russian National Contest with international participation

"Native Land, forever beloved"

Republic of Dagestan, a part of the Russian Federation, located in the North Caucasus and the border is part of the South of Russia. It is bordered by land and the Caspian Sea to the five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Neighbors within the Russian Federation Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia and Chechnya.  Dagestan washed by the Caspian Sea. The southern boundary runs along the watershed ridge of the Greater Caucasus. Size and population - the largest republic in the North Caucasus.

Republic of Dagestan, a part of the Russian Federation, located in the North Caucasus and the border is part of the South of Russia. It is bordered by land and the Caspian Sea to the five states - Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. Neighbors within the Russian Federation Stavropol Territory, Kalmykia and Chechnya. Dagestan washed by the Caspian Sea. The southern boundary runs along the watershed ridge of the Greater Caucasus. Size and population - the largest republic in the North Caucasus.

Green represents life, the abundance of land .Goluboy Dagestan - the color of the sea, symbolizes the beauty and grandeur of the Dagestani people. Red stands for democracy, educational power of the human mind in the process of creation of life, the courage and bravery of the country's population Mountains (Dagestan).    Coat of arms of Dagestan reflects the political, historical and cultural unity more than 30 related ethnic groups, formed a relatively small area in the North Caucasus.

Green represents life, the abundance of land .Goluboy Dagestan - the color of the sea, symbolizes the beauty and grandeur of the Dagestani people. Red stands for democracy, educational power of the human mind in the process of creation of life, the courage and bravery of the country's population Mountains (Dagestan).

Coat of arms of Dagestan reflects the political, historical and cultural unity more than 30 related ethnic groups, formed a relatively small area in the North Caucasus.

The Republic of Dagestan is one of the most attractive, colorful and distinctive regions of Russia. From time immemorial, Dagestan attracted countless travelers. The main value of Dagestan - its people, their Caucasian kindness and hospitality. Unrepeatable and unique culture and art of the peoples of the country. Every nation has retained its long-standing tradition here, folklore, crafts and language.

The Republic of Dagestan is one of the most attractive, colorful and distinctive regions of Russia. From time immemorial, Dagestan attracted countless travelers. The main value of Dagestan - its people, their Caucasian kindness and hospitality. Unrepeatable and unique culture and art of the peoples of the country. Every nation has retained its long-standing tradition here, folklore, crafts and language.

Derbent is the oldest center of Dagestan, the crucible of his spiritual and material culture. Hence the spread art, arts and crafts, writing, values of Islam. The combination of unique monuments of history, architecture, archeology, the magnificence of the natural landscape and pleasant climate give Derbent and its environs value a major center of Russian and international tourism.

Derbent is the oldest center of Dagestan, the crucible of his spiritual and material culture. Hence the spread art, arts and crafts, writing, values of Islam. The combination of unique monuments of history, architecture, archeology, the magnificence of the natural landscape and pleasant climate give Derbent and its environs value a major center of Russian and international tourism.

Located in Dakhadayevsky District of Dagestan, at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level, this settlement does not know himself ravnyh.Po legend, the castle was founded in the VII century, the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad Quraish, who erected it at the top of rugged mountains, standing at the confluence of five rivers. Only a narrow mountain trail connects Cala Koreish with the outside world. Thanks to this arrangement, the first residents to fully control the trade in the region and spread their faith freely.

Located in Dakhadayevsky District of Dagestan, at an altitude of more than a thousand meters above sea level, this settlement does not know himself ravnyh.Po legend, the castle was founded in the VII century, the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad Quraish, who erected it at the top of rugged mountains, standing at the confluence of five rivers. Only a narrow mountain trail connects Cala Koreish with the outside world. Thanks to this arrangement, the first residents to fully control the trade in the region and spread their faith freely.

Tourist routes to historical settlements, cultural heritage of world-class, are of great value and cause great interest among tourists. In Dagestan, more than six thousand monuments of history, the most significant of these is the architectural complex of Naryn-Kala citadel (VI century), the oldest part and Fortress Buildings of Derbent on the List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Tourist routes to historical settlements, cultural heritage of world-class, are of great value and cause great interest among tourists. In Dagestan, more than six thousand monuments of history, the most significant of these is the architectural complex of Naryn-Kala citadel (VI century), the oldest part and Fortress Buildings of Derbent on the List of World Cultural and Natural Heritage.

Specialists there is no consensus about the origin of the dune. But one thing they agree - this part of the desert at least a few hundred thousand years. Sand Mountain Sarykum - a unique monument of nature with extreme climatic zone. The temperature of the sand comes here sometimes up to 90 degrees. At least 7 species of animals living on the dunes is listed in the Red Book. Alone plants in the reserve more than a thousand.

Specialists there is no consensus about the origin of the dune. But one thing they agree - this part of the desert at least a few hundred thousand years. Sand Mountain Sarykum - a unique monument of nature with extreme climatic zone. The temperature of the sand comes here sometimes up to 90 degrees. At least 7 species of animals living on the dunes is listed in the Red Book. Alone plants in the reserve more than a thousand.

Tobot waterfall, located on Khunzakh plateau is one of the unique natural monuments mountain Dagestan. Water sheer drops to the bottom of a deep canyon single stream, and only at the bottom of a little stream waterfall sprayed to form a water cloud.

Tobot waterfall, located on Khunzakh plateau is one of the unique natural monuments mountain Dagestan. Water sheer drops to the bottom of a deep canyon single stream, and only at the bottom of a little stream waterfall sprayed to form a water cloud.

Adda-Shuhgelmeer - the third highest peak of Dagestan, with a height of 4151 m. And covered with glaciers. It seems that pulls the top of the mountain to his six crests, so an aerial view of the entire array resembles a star.

Adda-Shuhgelmeer - the third highest peak of Dagestan, with a height of 4151 m. And covered with glaciers. It seems that pulls the top of the mountain to his six crests, so an aerial view of the entire array resembles a star.

From the ancient traditions of mountaineers, perhaps, the most striking first visited Dagestan human custom of hospitality. For long been the established customs of every mountaineer consider it an honor worthy to receive a guest at any time of the day or night. In Dagestan existed a custom: when sat lunch or dinner, the food was divided equally between separated family members and an extra portion in case you suddenly come late guest. Guest anything should not need - this is an unwritten custom Highlanders. Given that the traveler could get wet on the road or simply, in many mountain homes kept coats available to guests.

From the ancient traditions of mountaineers, perhaps, the most striking first visited Dagestan human custom of hospitality. For long been the established customs of every mountaineer consider it an honor worthy to receive a guest at any time of the

day or night. In Dagestan existed a custom: when sat lunch or dinner, the food was divided equally between separated family members and an extra portion in case you suddenly come late guest. Guest anything should not need - this is an unwritten custom Highlanders. Given that the traveler could get wet on the road or simply, in many mountain homes kept coats available to guests.



Курсы повышения квалификации

Организация и сопровождение олимпиадной деятельности учащихся

Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
4000 руб.
800 руб.
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