Разработки  /  Английский язык  /  Уроки  /  6 класс  /  Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "School Uniform"

Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "School Uniform"


Содержимое разработки

Конспект урока по теме

6 класс

Класс: 6

Тема урока: «School Uniform»

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний

Цель урока: формирование навыков монологической речи по теме «Школьная форма»

Ход урока

I. Организационный этап.

1. Приветствие

Teacher: - Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you!

Pupils: - Good morning! We are glad to see you too!

T: How are you today?


T: Who is on duty today?


T: What date is it today?


T: Who is absent?


T: Look at the window. What is the weather today? Today is…


2. Введение в тему

T: Look at the screen, let’s watch a small video. And try to guess what shall we speak about?

What is it about?

P: We shall speak about…

T: Yes, you are right. Today we shall speak about school uniform.

3. Постановка учебной цели и задач

T: What shall we do today?

P: We shall remember words about clothes, school uniform…

Let’s see some interesting facts about the first school uniform.

In Russia the first school uniform appeared in 1834.

In Great Britain the first school uniform appeared in 1552.

In which country did the first school uniform appear? What is your opinion?

P: In Great Britain, in London.

II. Основной этап.

1. Повторение лексики по теме

T: Speaking about school uniform let’s remember the words which help us during the lesson.

Take these envelops with cards and match the pictures with correct words. Play dominoes [ˈdɒmɪnəʊz].

2. Описание картинки по плану

T: Well done! Now look at two pictures. What can you see on the first photo/ picture, on the second?



1. The photo number 1/2 shows … (a boy, a girl, children, pupils….).

2. The girl is/ the boy is / the children are …. (reading, playing, running, standing…).

3. I think she is/ he is/ they are … (at home, in the park, at school …)

4. The girl/ the boy/ the children are wearing … .

3. Активизация грамматического материала: модальный глагол should/should not

T: As we can see pupils wear different clothes at school. Think over and say what pupils should/should not wear at school.

Pupils should wear …. at school.

Pupils should not wear … at school.

T: But before lets remember the English for старый, новый, опрятный или аккуратный, неопрятный или грязный, модный, старомодный, скучный.

P: old, new, neat, scruffy, fashionable, old-fashioned, boring.

4. Работа с текстом

T: Excellent! Now Put the sentences into correct order and read about Kate’s school uniform in London.

Let’s check! Wonderful!

Дети работают в группах/парах, читают предложения и ставят их в правильном порядке.

  1. I like it very much!

  2. Hello! My name is Kate.

  3. I wear a white blouse, a neat black jacket, a red tie and a red skirt.

  4. I usually wear a school uniform.

  5. Also I have an emblem of my school

  6. I go to a secondary (средняя) school.

Проверяют, сверяют с эталоном

P: 2, 6, 4, 3, 5, 1

5. Составление монологического высказывания по теме

T: Now let's invent your cool, ideal school uniform. Take the sheets of paper and follow the steps.

T: Thanks a lot!

Now you are ready to tell us about your school uniform. You are welcome.

III. Заключительный этап

  1. Домашнее задание: Repeat words about clothes.

  2. Выставление оценок.

  3. Рефлексия настроения: Do you like the lesson or not?

Finish the sentences: Now I

  • know words about …

  • can use the words in my speech about …

  • can read and translate texts about …

  • can tell about …

  • can describe (описывать)…

  1. T: Thank you for your work. The lesson is over. Good-bye!


1. The picture number 1/2 shows … (a boy, a girl, children, pupils….).

2. The girl is/ the boy is / the children are …. (reading, playing, running, standing…).

3. I think she is/ he is/ they are … (at home, in the park, at school …)

4. The girl/ the boy/ the children are wearing …

Put the sentences into correct order and read about Kate’s school uniform.

1. I like it very much!

Put the sentences into correct order and read about Kate’s school uniform.

2. Hello! My name is Kate.

3. I wear a white blouse, a neat black jacket, a red tie and a red skirt.

4. I usually wear a school uniform.

5. Also I have an emblem of my school

6. I go to a secondary (средняя) school.

1. I like it very much!

2. Hello! My name is Kate.

3. I wear a white blouse, a neat black jacket, a red tie and a red skirt.

4. I usually wear a school uniform.

5. Also I have an emblem of my school

6. I go to a secondary (средняя) school.

Содержимое разработки





  • We shall remember…
  • We shall read about …
  • We shall speak …
INTERESTING FACTS! In Russia the first school uniform appeared in 1834.   In Great Britain the first school uniform appeared in 1552.


  • In Russia the first school uniform appeared in 1834.
  • In Great Britain

the first school uniform

appeared in 1552.



1. The picture number 1/2 shows … (a boy, a girl, children, pupils….). 2. The girl is/ the boy is / the children are …. (reading, playing, running, standing…). 3. I think she is/ he is/ they are … (at home, in the park, at school …) 4. The girl/ the boy/ the children are wearing … .

1. The picture number 1/2 shows … (a boy, a girl, children, pupils….).

2. The girl is/ the boy is / the children are …. (reading, playing, running, standing…).

3. I think she is/ he is/ they are … (at home, in the park, at school …)

4. The girl/ the boy/ the children are wearing … .

1. The picture number 1/2 shows … (a boy, a girl, children, pupils….). 2. The girl is/ the boy is / the children are …. (reading, playing, running, standing…). 3. I think she is/ he is/ they are … (at home, in the park, at school …) 4. The girl/ the boy/ the children are wearing … .

1. The picture number 1/2 shows … (a boy, a girl, children, pupils….).

2. The girl is/ the boy is / the children are …. (reading, playing, running, standing…).

3. I think she is/ he is/ they are … (at home, in the park, at school …)

4. The girl/ the boy/ the children are wearing … .

Pupils should wear …. at school. Pupils should not wear … at school.
  • Pupils should wear …. at school.
  • Pupils should not wear … at school.

CHECK THE ANSWERS 2, 6, 4, 3, 5, 1


  • 2, 6, 4, 3, 5, 1



  • Does Kate wear a school uniform?
  • Does she like her uniform?
  • What school does she go?
  • What distinctive sign ( отличительный знак) does she have?
  • What does she wear at school?
Hi! My name is…. I am from …. form.(класс) I go to a ……. school . I usually wear a ……. …… uniform. My school uniform is …… colour. I wear ………………. I Like it. /I don’t like it.
  • Hi! My name is….
  • I am from …. form.(класс)
  • I go to a ……. school .
  • I usually wear a ……. …… uniform.
  • My school uniform is …… colour.
  • I wear ……………….
  • I Like it. /I don’t like it.



  • know words about …
  • can use the words in my speech about …
  • can read and translate texts about …
  • can tell about …
  • can describe ( описывать)…
1. The picture number 1/2 shows … (a boy, a girl, children, pupils….). 2. The girl is/ the boy is / the children are …. (reading, playing, running, standing…). 3. I think she is/ he is/ they are … (at home, in the park, at school …) 4. The girl/ the boy/ the children are wearing … .

1. The picture number 1/2 shows … (a boy, a girl, children, pupils….).

2. The girl is/ the boy is / the children are …. (reading, playing, running, standing…).

3. I think she is/ he is/ they are … (at home, in the park, at school …)

4. The girl/ the boy/ the children are wearing … .

Did I like how my work went? Did I use English during the work? Did I prepare for the lesson at home? Was I active? Did I manage to do my best?
  • Did I like how my work went?
  • Did I use English during the work?
  • Did I prepare for the lesson at home?
  • Was I active?
  • Did I manage to do my best?

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Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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