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Презентация по английскому языку "At a chemist’s"

Презентация "В аптеке" дает учащимся возможность познакомиться с новыми словами, отработать их произношение.

Описание разработки

At a chemist's.

pharmacy - аптека

chemist - аптекарь

department - отдел

chemist’s department - ручной отдел

prescription department - рецептурный отдел

When we need a medicine, we must go to a pharmacy

(chemist’s shop).

At the pharmacy there are two departments: a chemist’s department and a prescription department. At the chemist’s department one can have the medicine right away. At the prescription department drugs have to be ordered. All the drugs are kept in drug cabinet.

Every bottle or a box has a label with the name of the medicine.

The label  are of three colours: white, yellow, and blue.

White to indicate drugs for internal use.

Yellow ones are stick to indicate drugs for external use.

Blue labels indicate drugs for injections. The dose to be taken is usually indicated on a signature or a label. Before using the medicine every patient must know well that he is taking the right one in the correct dosage.

Презентация по английскому языку At a chemists

When we come to the pharmacy we see many drug cabinets.

In the drug cabinets there are small parcels of different powders, ampules. There are many tubes of healing ointments, different pills, sedatives and tonics, vitamins, sleeping draughts, laxatives, bottles of iodine and so on.

We go to the prescription department and hand in the prescription for the cough mixture and other drugs.I receive five bottles of penicillin, the cough mixture. The chemist adviсe me to keep the cough mixture in a cool place and shake it before using.

Содержимое разработки

At a chemist’s   Подготовила: Герваси Наталья Георгиевна, преподаватель английского языка БОУ Омской области « Медицинский колледж»

At a chemist’s

Подготовила: Герваси Наталья Георгиевна, преподаватель английского языка БОУ Омской области « Медицинский колледж»

At a chemist’s

At a chemist’s

At a chemist's  pharmacy     аптека  chemist      аптекарь  department     отдел  chemist ’ s department   ручной отдел  prescription department  рецептурный         отдел

At a chemist's

pharmacy аптека

chemist аптекарь

department отдел

chemist ’ s department ручной отдел

prescription department рецептурный отдел

At a chemist's drug cabinet   застекленный шкафчик bottle    флакон, пузырек label     этикетка, наклейка to indicate   указывать to order    заказывать to stick    приклеивать internal    внутренний external    наружный

At a chemist's

drug cabinet застекленный шкафчик

bottle флакон, пузырек

label этикетка, наклейка

to indicate указывать

to order заказывать

to stick приклеивать

internal внутренний

external наружный

At a chemist's dose     доза dosage     дозировка parcel     пакетик ampule     ампула tube of healing ointment  тюбик         лечебной  мази sedative     успокаивающее        средство sleeping draught   снотворное

At a chemist's

  • dose доза
  • dosage дозировка
  • parcel пакетик
  • ampule ампула
  • tube of healing ointment тюбик лечебной мази
  • sedative успокаивающее средство
  • sleeping draught снотворное
What is this? tablet drops ointment

What is this?




What is this? suppository tincture ampules

What is this?




What is this? syringe bandage cotton wool

What is this?



cotton wool

When we need a medicine, we must go to a pharmacy (chemist’s shop). At the pharmacy there are two departments: a chemist’s department and a prescription department. At the chemist’s department one can have the medicine right away. At the prescription department drugs have to be ordered. All the drugs are kept in drug cabinet. Every bottle or a box has a label with the name of the medicine. The label are of three colours: white, yellow, and blue. White to indicate drugs for internal use. Yellow ones are stick to indicate drugs for external use. Blue labels indicate drugs for injections. The dose to be taken is usually indicated on a signature or a label. Before using the medicine every patient must know well that he is taking the right one in the correct dosage.

When we need a medicine, we must go to a pharmacy

(chemist’s shop).

At the pharmacy there are two departments: a chemist’s department

and a prescription department. At the chemist’s department one can

have the medicine right away. At the prescription department

drugs have to be ordered. All the drugs are kept in drug cabinet.

Every bottle or a box has a label with the name of the medicine.

The label are of three colours: white, yellow, and blue.

White to indicate drugs for internal use.

Yellow ones are stick to indicate drugs for external use.

Blue labels indicate drugs for injections. The dose to be taken

is usually indicated on a signature or a label. Before using the medicine

every patient must know well that he is taking the right one

in the correct dosage.

When we come to the pharmacy we see many drug cabinets.  In the drug cabinets there are small parcels of different powders, ampules. There are many tubes of healing ointments, different pills, sedatives and tonics, vitamins, sleeping draughts, laxatives, bottles of iodine and so on. We go to the prescription department and hand in the prescription for the cough mixture and other drugs.I receive five bottles of penicillin, the cough mixture. The chemist advi с e me to keep the cough mixture in a cool place and shake it before using .

When we come to the pharmacy we see many drug cabinets.

In the drug cabinets there are small parcels of different

powders, ampules. There are many tubes of healing ointments, different pills, sedatives and tonics, vitamins, sleeping draughts, laxatives, bottles of iodine and so on.

We go to the prescription department and hand in the prescription for the cough mixture and other drugs.I receive five bottles of penicillin, the cough mixture. The chemist advi с e me to keep the cough mixture in a cool place and shake it before using .

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Продолжительность 72 часа
Документ: Удостоверение о повышении квалификации
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