
Causative form

Урок 70. Английский язык 8 класс ФГОС

В этом уроке учащиеся знакомятся с особой формой пассивного залога – каузативом. Закрепление теоретического материала проходит с помощью иллюстрированных заданий на преобразование и выбор.

Конспект урока "Causative form"

The highlighted sentences use a sentence structure known as the Causative.

In this grammar lesson we will look at this structure and you will get to know how to use and form it.

What is the Causative?

The causative form is a special form of passive voice we use when we speak about a professional service which someone does for us.


He’s having a tooth repaired.

She is having her nails painted.

She has had her hair dyed brown.

As you can see, it’s used to talk about someone doing something for us, usually a professional or technical job which we can’t do ourselves.

Some more examples:

I am having cable installed.

I have my hair cut once in 2-3 months.

Normally we don’t have an agent here, that is we don’t specify WHO is doing the job. This is usually because it’s obvious from the context.


He has his car serviced every year. (The mechanic does it for him – it’s obvious.)

David had the tap fixed. (The plumber did it.)

Often we use the causative form to talk about bad experiences. Again, we don’t normally know who did the job but we can guess.


We had our money stolen.

I had my car towed away because I had parked in the no parking area.

We form the causative with the causative verb in the appropriate tense followed by the object and past participle.




Present Simple

He repairs his car.

He has his car repaired.

Present Continuous

He is repairing his car.

He is having his car repaired.

Past Simple

He repaired his car.

He had his car repaired.

Past Continuous

He was repairing his car.

He was having his car repaired.

Present Perfect

He has repaired his car.

He has had his car repaired.

Past Perfect

He had repaired his car.

He had had his car repaired.

Present Perfect Continuous

He has been repairing his car.

He has been having his car repaired.

Past Perfect Continuous

He had been repairing his car.

He had been having his car repaired.

Future Simple

He will have repair his car.

He will have his car repaired.


He wants to repair his car.

He wants to have his car repaired.

-ing form

He likes repairing his car.

He likes having his car repaired.

Modal Verbs

He should repair his car.

He should have his car repaired.

The most common causative verbs are:

have / make / let / get

The verb have, used in the causative, forms its negations and questions with do/does (Present Simple) and did (Past Simple).


She doesn’t have her hair dyed.

Did you have this email sent?

Note: get is often used instead of have in informal speech:


Did you get your hair cut before the weekend?

We got the parcels delivered on time.

Get + object + TO infinitive is used to show that somebody requires or persuades another person to do something.


She always gets me to help with her homework.

I got my daughter to eat the whole breakfast.

He got his dad to buy him an X Box.

make + object + infinitive without to is used to express that someone forces someone else to do something.


The barking dog made the postman run away.

The rain has made the tourists stay in the hotel this morning.

I don’t think she can make her husband buy that expensive ring.

Sad movies always make me cry.

let + object + infinitive without to is basically used to give someone permission.

E.g. She lets me borrow her clothes.

Now it’s time to practise the rule and check how well you’ve learnt the information of the lesson.

Look at the prompts and answer the questions using the causative.

1. What did Dora do?

She had her face painted.

2. What should John do?

He should have his trousers shortened.

3. What will Dora do?

She will have her scooter repaired.

4. What has John done?

He has his tooth removed.

5. What is Dora doing?

She is having her dinner served.

6. What is John going to do?

He is going to have his dog groomed.

Choose the correct sentence for each picture:

John is painting the door.

Granny is having her heart examined.

Dora is cooking dinner.

John is having his photo taken.

Hopefully the information of the lesson was useful to you, guys!

Practise your grammar skills because practice makes perfect!


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