Тесты  /  Английский язык  /  6 класс  /  Use of English

Use of English

16.01.2024. Тест. Английский язык, 6 класс
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Задания олимпиады по английскому языку 2023/2024 учебный год 6 класс

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1


I. Match the words.   

1) go on                     A) mistakes

2) take                        B) a uniform

3) sit                           C) a trip                                                              

4) wear                       D) the table

5) wash                      E) by the camp fire

6) make                      F) photos

7) lay                          G) the dishes 

1) ___, 2) ___, 3) ___, 4) ___, 5) ___, 6) ___, 7) ___.

Вопрос 2

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form.  

  Dear Sam,

1) I____  (be) in London! The weather 2)____(be) warm and sunny  today. 3) I  ________(stay) with my uncle Harry. 4) He _______ (live) in  the city centre. 5) I ___________________ (already/visit) the British Museum. 6) We_________ (go) there last Friday. 7) I also __________ (go) to Hyde Park with my uncle. 8)When we __________ (come) there, 9) many people ______________________ (listen) to a speaker. There are a lot of things 10) I ____________________ (not/do) yet. 11)We __________ (go) to  the London Zoo tomorrow. 12) I _________________ (come) back home on June 15th.

Best wishes


Вопрос 3

III. Write in the words in the plural. 

1. a tooth - ___________________________

2. child - ______________________________

3. a deer - ____________________________

4. a fox - ____________________________

5. a woman - __________________________

6.  a girl- _____________________________

Вопрос 4

IV. Choose the right answer.   

   1) I want _______________________ to eat, please.                             

Варианты ответов
  • anything
  • somebody
  • something
Вопрос 5

2) Marry doesn’t know ____________________ at the party.

Варианты ответов
  • nobody
  • somebody
  • anybody
Вопрос 6

3) Sam has got _____________________ to do today.

Варианты ответов
  • something
  • anything
  • anybody
Вопрос 7

4) Have you got ____________________brother?

Варианты ответов
  • any
  • anyone
  • nobody
Вопрос 8

5) My granny can’t see ____________________ in the garden.

Варианты ответов
  • nobody
  • somebody
  • anybody
Вопрос 9

6) I think Pam is writing ___________________________ now.

Варианты ответов
  • some
  • anybody
  • something
Вопрос 10

V. Fill in the gaps article the where necessary.

1) I live in _______ Republic of  2) ______Belarus and my sister lives in 3) ____ Australia. There are a lot of fish in 4) _____Lake Naroch. 5) ______ Sahara is a desert in 6)_______ Africa. 7) _______ Minsk is located on 8) _________  Svisloch. People go to 9) _______ Pobeda Square on May 9th. 10) _______ oldest place in Minsk is 11) ________ Troitskoye Suburb.

Вопрос 11

VI. Put in the adjectives in the correct degree: comparative or superlative.

1. Nick is ____________________ (smart) in our class.

2. Mary is ___________________ (good) student than Kate.

3. Maths is ____________________________ (difficult) subject for me.

4. Monkeys are _________________________ (funny) than cats.

5. What is ___________________________ (nice) place in Belarus.

Вопрос 12

VII. Make up sentences. 

1) been / I / not / to / yet / have / America.

Варианты ответов
  • I
  • have
  • not
  • been
  • to
  • America
  • yet.
Вопрос 13

2) you / How many / do / lessons / have / on Monday / on your timetable?

Варианты ответов
  • How many
  • lessons
  • do
  • you
  • have
  • on
  • your
  • timetable
  • on
  • Monday?
Вопрос 14

3) pushchas / hunt / in / You /animals / shouldn’t.

Варианты ответов
  • You
  • shouldn’t
  • hunt
  • animals
  • in
  • pushchas.
Вопрос 15

4) photo / in / is / Misha / this / football / playing.

Варианты ответов
  • Misha
  • is
  • playing
  • football
  • in
  • this
  • photo.
Вопрос 16

5) the / What / of / Belarus / population / is?

Варианты ответов
  • What
  • is
  • the
  • population
  • of
  • Belarus?
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