Тест для студентов первого курса по предмету "Грамматическая фонетика"

Назаракунов Омурбек Усонович
Тест. Английский язык, Прочее
Система оценки:
5 балльная
Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
How many monophthongs are there in English?
Варианты ответов
- 12
- 8
- 44
- 26
Вопрос 2
Monophthong is ______________________________
Варианты ответов
- a single vowel sound. The word monophthong comes from the Greek “mono”, which means “one”, and “-phthong”, which means “tone” or “sound”. So monophthong means “one sound” or “single sound”.
- a combination of two vowel sounds together.
- a combination of three vowels pronounced rapidly as one; that is, it is a glide from one vowel position to another and then to a third vowel position produced rapidly without interruption.
- a combination of two vowel sounds pronounced with a quick movement of the tongue from one vowel position to another vowel position;
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