Тесты  /  Английский язык  /  10 класс  /  Словообразование


22.02.2018. Тест. Английский язык, 10 класс
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Тест к учебнику "Happy English.ru"

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Complete the sentence with the right part of speach of the word in capitals

A lot of rules and regulations are mede to ... wild animals. PROTECTION

Вопрос 2

Complete the sentence with the right part of speach of the word in capitals

Very often animals' ... is provoced by animals. AGGRESSIVE

Вопрос 3

Complete the sentence with the right part of speach of the word in capitals

Stupid ... may lead to a lot of problems when you are in the wilderness. BEHAVE

Вопрос 4

Complete the sentence with the right part of speach of the word in capitals

Campers need to prepare for their ... before they begin it. HIKE

Вопрос 5

Complete the sentence with the right part of speach of the word in capitals

People are allowed to ... in special areas only. CAMP

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