Тесты  /  Английский язык  /  10 класс  /  Revision of articles with the words school, space, prison, church, bed, work, college, hospital and university

Revision of articles with the words school, space, prison, church, bed, work, college, hospital and university

01.04.2019. Тест. Английский язык, 10 класс
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Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Choose the pictures where we need to put the article "the"?

Варианты ответов
Вопрос 2

Look at the picture. Choose the right variant.

1 - a

2 - an

3 - the

4 - zero article

Вопрос 3

Match the sentence with the article.






Zero article

Варианты ответов
  • Liam doesn’t believe in creatures from ..... outer space.
  • I need to choose ..... school for my son.
  • Students have the right to choose ..... university suitable for their interests and abilities.
  • Children go to ..... school every day.
  • Tomorrow I will go to ..... school where my daughter has lessons.
Вопрос 4

We don't need to use articles with the nouns: “school”, “space”, “prison”, “church”, “bed”, “work”, “college”, “hospital”, “university” if they are modified by a descriptive attribute.

Do you agree with this statement?

Варианты ответов
  • Нет
  • Да
Вопрос 5

Choose "yes" if the statement is true.

"There are two types of articles: definite and indefinite."

Варианты ответов
  • Да
  • Нет
Вопрос 6

Look at the picture. Type the missing word.

Вопрос 7

Choose "yes" if the statement is true, choose "no" if the statement is false.

Варианты ответов
  • The indefinite article has two forms: a, the.
  • Articles are the words that define a verb as specific or unspecific.
  • We need to use zero article with the words like «school», «space», «prison», «church», «bed», «work», «college», «hospital», «university» when they denote activities associated with these places.
  • The term “zero article” refers to noun phrases that have no articles.
  • We don’t use an article with general nouns.
Вопрос 8

Choose the sentences where we need to use "zero article".

Варианты ответов
  • Miranda studies at ..... prestigious school.
  • ..... local hospital will be closed soon.
  • After finishing high school Julia is planning to go to ..... university.
  • Bobby spent five years in ..... Spanish prison.
  • Ryan, you’re so pale. You need to go to ..... hospital.
Вопрос 9

Choose the right description of the word "articles".

Варианты ответов
  • The words that define a noun as specific.
  • The words that describe a noun or pronoun.
  • The words that connect clauses or sentences.
  • The words that define a noun as unspecific.
  • The words that define a noun as specific or unspecific.
Вопрос 10

Complete the sentence "The definite article is the word ....".

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