Тесты  /  Английский язык  /  9 класс  /  Means of communication

Means of communication

03.04.2023. Тест. Английский язык, 9 класс
Внимание! Все тесты в этом разделе разработаны пользователями сайта для собственного использования. Администрация сайта не проверяет возможные ошибки, которые могут встретиться в тестах.
Chose the right option from given (with the article "the",without the article "the" or with the article "a"

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Since the invention of the Internet/Internet the quality of communication has improved greatly.

Вопрос 2

Television/the televvision is a wonderful tool of education, information and entertainment

Вопрос 3

Calendar/The calendar is a very useful invention.

Вопрос 4

There is a computer/computer on the table.

Вопрос 5

Does computer/the computer do any harm to you?

Вопрос 6

Radio/The radio has fresher news than newspapers and a news report is on every hour.

Вопрос 7

Galileo was the first astronomer to use the telescope/telescope to study heavens.

Вопрос 8

Photography/The Photography helps people to remember the best moments.

Вопрос 9

The Internet/Internet has revolutionized the way people communicate.

Вопрос 10

The telephone/Telephone is the most reliable means of communication. Have you got a telephone/telephone in  your house?

Вопрос 11

Do you approve of the large number of violent action films on TV/the TV?

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