Тесты  /  Английский язык  /  8 класс  /  Тест по английскому языку для 8 класса Unit 1, Steps 4-5 «Winter and summer sports» (УМК «Rainbow English»)

Тест по английскому языку для 8 класса Unit 1, Steps 4-5 «Winter and summer sports» (УМК «Rainbow English»)

22.10.2024. Тест. Английский язык, 8 класс
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Тест по юниту 1 (УМК "Rainbow English") включает себя проверку полученных знаний пройденного лексического, грамматического материала

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Choose the lexically and grammatically correct options from those given in brackets.

1. When we lived in a sports camp we (used to swim/had swum) a lot.

Варианты ответов
  • used to swim
  • had swum
Вопрос 2

2. He said he had worn a different (sport/sports) suit before.

Варианты ответов
  • sport
  • sports
Вопрос 3

3. Their team joined .... the competition a bit later.

Варианты ответов
  • -
  • in
Вопрос 4

5. The (more/less) you speak English, the better you do it.

Варианты ответов
  • more
  • less
Вопрос 5

6. The new office (team/crew) has been working successfully.

Варианты ответов
  • team
  • crew
Вопрос 6

7. The ancient Olympics had only one competition — a running (race/sport).

Варианты ответов
  • race
  • sport
Вопрос 7

8. I had done my flat (at/by) 5 oclock.

Варианты ответов
  • at
  • by
Вопрос 8

9. The game ended (in/with) a draw.

Варианты ответов
  • in
  • with
Вопрос 9

Using the suffixes -an, -ical, -er, -ic, -ly, -tion, -ful and the prefix un-, form derivatives of the words in the right-hand column and write them in sentences.

1. The wind has changed its________ .                                                                        DIRECT

Варианты ответов
  • Directed
  • Director
  • Direction
Вопрос 10

Using the suffixes -an, -ical, -er, -ic, -ly, -tion, -ful and the prefix un-, form derivatives of the words in the right-hand column and write them in sentences.

2. What is the way to the_______ square of the city?                                                   CENTRE

Варианты ответов
  • Center
  • Centrel
  • Central
Вопрос 11

Using the suffixes -an, -ical, -er, -ic, -ly, -tion, -ful and the prefix un-, form derivatives of the words in the right-hand column and write them in sentences.

3. Oscar didn’t tell you the truth. All his answers were_______.                                     TRUE

Варианты ответов
  • truer
  • untrue
  • trusful
Вопрос 12

Using the suffixes -an, -ical, -er, -ic, -ly, -tion, -ful and the prefix un-, form derivatives of the words in the right-hand column and write them in sentences.

4. He spoke____, but we understood he wasn’t glad to see us.                                      POLITE

Варианты ответов
  • polited
  • politeness
  • politely
Вопрос 13

Using the suffixes -an, -ical, -er, -ic, -ly, -tion, -ful and the prefix un-, form derivatives of the words in the right-hand column and write them in sentences.

5. Raisa Kulakova is a great Russian_______.                                                                    SKI

Варианты ответов
  • skier
  • skiing
  • skillful
Вопрос 14

Using the suffixes -an, -ical, -er, -ic, -ly, -tion, -ful and the prefix un-, form derivatives of the words in the right-hand column and write them in sentences.

6. The style of_____ is very important and not only in a museum.                               PRESENT

Варианты ответов
  • Presentation
  • Presents
  • Unpresent
Вопрос 15

Using the suffixes -an, -ical, -er, -ic, -ly, -tion, -ful and the prefix un-, form derivatives of the words in the right-hand column and write them in sentences.

7. You can buy________ sportswear here.                                                                    COLOUR

Варианты ответов
  • Colourful
  • Coloured
  • Coloures
Вопрос 16

Using the suffixes -an, -ical, -er, -ic, -ly, -tion, -ful and the prefix un-, form derivatives of the words in the right-hand column and write them in sentences.

8. What_____cities can you name?                                                                                   INDIA

Варианты ответов
  • Indians
  • Indian
  • Indianer
Вопрос 17

Choose the grammatically correct options from those given in brackets.

1. By the time we (arrived/had arrived), our friends had done all the job.

Варианты ответов
  • arrived
  • had arrived
  • did not arrived
Вопрос 18

Choose the grammatically correct options from those given in brackets.

2. The Robinsons (drove/had driven) home by bed time.

Варианты ответов
  • drove
  • had driven
  • drive
Вопрос 19

Choose the grammatically correct options from those given in brackets.

3. The teenagers (washed/had washed) their bikes by the time their class began.

Варианты ответов
  • washed
  • did washed
  • had washed
Вопрос 20

Choose the grammatically correct options from those given in brackets.

4. At 3 o’clock yesterday Kelly (was doing/had done) her shopping.

Варианты ответов
  • was doing
  • were doing
  • had done
Вопрос 21

Choose the grammatically correct options from those given in brackets.

5. When we returned, they (disappeared/had disappeared).

Варианты ответов
  • disappeared
  • had disappeared
  • didn't disappear
Вопрос 22

Choose the grammatically correct options from those given in brackets.

6. Willy (had/had had) lunch when I came into the dining room.

Варианты ответов
  • had
  • had had
  • had have
Вопрос 23

Choose the grammatically correct options from those given in brackets.

7. I had known everything before she (called/had called) me.

Варианты ответов
  • called
  • had called
  • has called
Вопрос 24

Choose the grammatically correct options from those given in brackets.

8. The soup was tasteless and Jack (was still eating/had already eaten) it when Rose ran into the kitchen.

Варианты ответов
  • was still eating
  • had already eaten
  • had already ate
Вопрос 25

Write the appropriate prepositions from the frame in these sentences.

1. I prefer to travel ___car, it gives you a chance to see more places then.

Варианты ответов
  • by
  • for
  • over
  • to
Вопрос 26

Write the appropriate prepositions from the frame in these sentences.

2. The more time you use your iPhone, the less time you have ____meeting with friends.

Варианты ответов
  • by
  • for
  • over
  • to
Вопрос 27

Write the appropriate prepositions from the frame in these sentences.

3. Ann’s good English gives her an advantage___ her classmates.

Варианты ответов
  • by
  • in
  • over
  • to
Вопрос 28

Write the appropriate prepositions from the frame in these sentences.

4. A team______scientists made a very important discovery.

Варианты ответов
  • of
  • in
  • at
  • to
Вопрос 29

Write the appropriate prepositions from the frame in these sentences.

5. The legend says Hercules started the Olympic Games ______Ancient Greece.


Варианты ответов
  • in
  • at
  • on
Вопрос 30

Write the appropriate prepositions from the frame in these sentences.

6. ______the end of the 19th century the Olympic Games came back to life.

Варианты ответов
  • at
  • on
  • to
  • for
Вопрос 31

Write the appropriate prepositions from the frame in these sentences.

7. There were two teams _____the football field.

Варианты ответов
  • at
  • on
  • to
  • for
Вопрос 32

Write the appropriate prepositions from the frame in these sentences.

8. Will you race me _____that tree?

Варианты ответов
  • at
  • on
  • to
  • for

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