Итоговая контрольная работа к УМК М.В.Вербицкой Forward IV
Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
Прочитай текст. Закончи предложения,ответь на вопросы, выбрав из предложенных вариантов тот, который соответствует содержанию текста.
Summer Picnic “It’s a nice day for a picnic,” said Mr Fox. “Let’s go to the river and have a picnic,” said Mrs Fox. So Mr Fox took the picnic basket and the family went to the river. But there were no trees there and it was very hot. “Let’s go to the woods and have a picnic there,” said Bobby. The family came to the woods. There were big trees, it was not hot, but there were no flowers. “I don’t like this place,” said Ann. “There aren’t any flowers here.” When at last they found a place with all those things, Mrs Fox cried, “Oh, but here there’s no water. I’m sure we can find a better place for a picnic.” When it was lunchtime, everyone was very hungry. Ann and Bob cried, “Please hurry up and choose a picnic place!” “Yes, please, do.” Mr Fox said. “The basket is so heavy.” “All right,” agreed Mrs Fox. “Let us just go round the next turn – and there we will eat.” So they went round the turn and came into their own back yard near their own house. Mr Fox quickly put down his basket. “It’s the best place for a picnic,” he smiled. “Chairs and a table, a swimming pool and a beautiful flower garden!” Mrs Fox, Ann and Bobby agreed, “Oh, yes, it’s the best place for a picnic!
The Foxes went on a picnic
Варианты ответов
- in spring
- in autumn
- in summer
Вопрос 2
Who carried the picnic basket?
Варианты ответов
- Mr.Fox
- Mrs.Fox
- Bobby
Вопрос 3
The Foxes didn’t like the place near the river because
Варианты ответов
- it was very hot there.
- there were no flowers.
- there were no chairs.
Вопрос 4
At first, Mrs Fox wanted to have the picnic
Варианты ответов
- in the woods.
- near the water.
- in the garden.
Вопрос 5
Finally, the Foxes had their picnic
Варианты ответов
- near the river.
- in the woods.
- near their house.
Вопрос 6
They had their picnic there because they
Варианты ответов
- were very hungry.
- liked the place.
- were very tired.
Вопрос 7
Прочитай текст. Постарайся понять, какие слова в нём пропущены. Заполни каждый пропуск, выбрав нужное слово из приведённых ниже в выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение. Одно слово уже вставлено.
night, snow, love, winter, spring, can
In autumn many birds fly from Russia to other countries. Russian winter is very cold. There is much ________. Birds don’t have enough food. In ________, they come back to us. Some birds fly in the daytime. Other birds fly during the ________ and rest and eat during the day. How long ________ birds fly without a stop? Some small birds can fly without a stop for 90 hours. They ________ their country and always come back home!
Варианты ответов
- snow
- spring
- love
- night
- can
Вопрос 8
Заполни каждый пропуск, выбрав нужное слово из приведённых ниже в выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение.
night, snow, love, winter, spring, can
In autumn many birds fly from Russia to other countries. Russian winter is very cold. There is much ________. Birds don’t have enough food. In ________, they come back to us. Some birds fly in the daytime. Other birds fly during the ________ and rest and eat during the day. How long ________ birds fly without a stop? Some small birds can fly without a stop for 90 hours. They ________ their country and always come back home!
Варианты ответов
- night
- can
- love
- spring
- snow
Вопрос 9
Заполни каждый пропуск, выбрав нужное слово из приведённых ниже в выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение.
night, snow, love, winter, spring, can
In autumn many birds fly from Russia to other countries. Russian winter is very cold. There is much ________. Birds don’t have enough food. In ________, they come back to us. Some birds fly in the daytime. Other birds fly during the ________ and rest and eat during the day. How long ________ birds fly without a stop? Some small birds can fly without a stop for 90 hours. They ________ their country and always come back home!
Варианты ответов
- can
- love
- spring
- night
- snow
Вопрос 10
Заполни каждый пропуск, выбрав нужное слово из приведённых ниже в выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение.
night, snow, love, winter, spring, can
In autumn many birds fly from Russia to other countries. Russian winter is very cold. There is much ________. Birds don’t have enough food. In ________, they come back to us. Some birds fly in the daytime. Other birds fly during the ________ and rest and eat during the day. How long ________ birds fly without a stop? Some small birds can fly without a stop for 90 hours. They ________ their country and always come back home!
Варианты ответов
- snow
- spring
- night
- can
- love
Вопрос 11
Заполни каждый пропуск, выбрав нужное слово из приведённых ниже в выделенное жирным шрифтом предложение.
night, snow, love, winter, spring, can
In autumn many birds fly from Russia to other countries. Russian winter is very cold. There is much ________. Birds don’t have enough food. In ________, they come back to us. Some birds fly in the daytime. Other birds fly during the ________ and rest and eat during the day. How long ________ birds fly without a stop? Some small birds can fly without a stop for 90 hours. They ________ their country and always come back home!
Варианты ответов
- love
- can
- night
- spring
- snow
Вопрос 12
Выбери правильное слово
What … your favourite subjects? – Russian and English.
Варианты ответов
- am
- is
- are
Вопрос 13
What kind of books does your friend … ? – Fairy tales.
Варианты ответов
- likes
- liked
- like
Вопрос 14
My mum … a lemon cake yesterday.
Варианты ответов
- makes
- made
- will make
Вопрос 15
There … a lot of people in the zoo last week-end.
Варианты ответов
- were
- are
- will be
Вопрос 16
Tomorrow our class … a test.
Варианты ответов
- write
- wrote
- will write
Вопрос 17
My sister is … than me.
Варианты ответов
- tall
- taller
- the tallest
Вопрос 18
I like to get up early … the morning.
Варианты ответов
- in
- at
- on
Вопрос 19
But my mother`s chocolate cake is even...than her lemon cake.
Варианты ответов
- better
- good
- best