Проверочная работа для 9 класса по лексике по теме "Importance of reading", Unit 2, Step 1, p.54-55 (УМК «Rainbow English»)

Загреба Ольга Николаевна
Тест. Английский язык, 9 класс
Система оценки:
5 балльная
Список вопросов теста
Вопрос 1
1. I ....... get up earlier than seven a.m.
Варианты ответов
- whisper/mumble
- rarely
- cheerful
- fascinating
- failed
- strange
Вопрос 2
2. Speak louder, please, do not ..... your answer.
Варианты ответов
- screamed
- whisper
- whisper/mumble
- failed
- rarely
- source
Вопрос 3
3. The child was cute and ...... .
Варианты ответов
- screamed
- whisper
- strange
- whispered
- cheerful
- author
Вопрос 4
4. What a ........ idea! I will certainly do what you advise.
Варианты ответов
- rarely
- whisper/mumble
- strange
- whisper
- murmured
- fascinating
Вопрос 5
5. He ...... to enter the university.
Варианты ответов
- failed
- screamed
- whisper/mumble
- murmured
- rarely
- source
Вопрос 6
6. The child was shy and always ..... what he wanted to say.
Варианты ответов
- rarely
- cheerful
- fascinating
- murmured
- author
- strange
Вопрос 7
7. His was a ..... decision, I could not ..... understand it.
Варианты ответов
- author
- strange
- failed
- screamed
- mumble
- whisper
Вопрос 8
8. I have never heard of this ...... . What books did he write?
Варианты ответов
- screamed
- whisper/mumble
- cheerful
- source
- author
- rarely
Вопрос 9
9. The child fell off his bike and ...... with pain.
Варианты ответов
- cheerful
- rarely
- screamed
- failed
- murmured
- whisper
Вопрос 10
10. What is your ...... of information? Where did you get it?
Варианты ответов
- source
- cheerful
- fascinating
- strange
- author
- screamed
Вопрос 11
11. Why are you speaking in a ......? Is anyone asleep?
Варианты ответов
- cheerful
- failed
- screamed
- whisper
- strange
- rarely
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Тесты по английскому языку 9 класс