Тесты  /  Английский язык  /  11 класс  /  Formal letters

Formal letters

04.02.2020. Тест. Английский язык, 11 класс
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Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Put the parts of the letter in order.

Варианты ответов
  • heading
  • greeting
  • first paragraph
  • the main body of the letter
  • final paragraph
  • complementary closing
  • signature
Вопрос 2

What is a written or typed message addressed to a single person or a group of people?



Вопрос 3

Put the parts of the letter in order.

Варианты ответов
  • Dear Sir or Madam,
  • I am writing in connection with a recent visit to your hotel (10-13 March). My wife and I stayed in room 387. Unfortunately, our otherwise enjoyable visit was spoilt by the loss of some articles from our room during our stay. The missing items are one blue silk skirt and a digital camera.
  • This loss was reported immediately upon our discovering it to the receptionist who, in turn, contacted the duty manager. The duty manager promised to look into the matter and let us know the outcome. We made sure that he had our home address, phone number and email address, as we were returning home that day
  • We have not been contacted by anyone from the hotel as yet regarding this matter, which I find unacceptable. Moreover, until we know whether the items have been found or not, we cannot make an insurance claim
  • Yours faithfully,
  • Dr C.R. Atkinson
Вопрос 4

Put the letters in the correct order and guess the part of the letter.


Вопрос 5

Match the extracts and the parts of the headings 1-7.


Dear Sir or Madam.


I am writing to you to lodge a complaint letter against the service and food quality we received in your restaurant.


I would therefore, like to request a refund of that evening's meal that cost 120 pounds and have enclosed the receipt's issued.
I look forward to receiving a check of the amount and dining in the restaurant again in due course.


We have been dining in your restaurant for the last two years and have never found any faults in your restaurant be it in the services or the food quality. But on this occasion, the food was not only cold, when we received, but also the whole of the service took longer time then it necessarily takes.
When we mentioned this to the staff manger, he was rude and refused to acknowledge our complaint.


Yours Faithfully, 


34 North Avenue,
W12 2HE


Greg Martin

Варианты ответов
  • greeting
  • first paragraph
  • final paragraph
  • the body of the letter
  • complementary closing
  • heading
  • signature
Вопрос 6

Which of the phrases is odd?

Варианты ответов
  • In reply to your letter,
  • With reference to our phone call,
  • I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • Thank you for your letter of September 3rd.
  • I enjoyed our conversation last week.
Вопрос 7

Make up the sentence.

Варианты ответов
  • thank
  • you
  • for
  • reading
  • my
  • letter
Вопрос 8

Which date is incorrect?

Варианты ответов
  • 10 October 2020
  • 10.10.2020
  • 10,10,2020
  • October 10, 2020
Вопрос 9

Read and choose. Which part of the letter is missing?
                                                                                               Old School Lane
                                                                                               S1 7TG
                                                                                               Beachside Apartments
                                                                                               PL26 6LJ
Dear Mr Green,
I am writing to complain about the service I have received from your company.
Last month I visited Cornwall with my family and booked one of your two-bedroom
apartments. When we arrived at six o’clock in the evening on 17th May, our apartment was
not ready and we had to wait in the car for an hour.
When we entered our apartment, we found that there was only one bedroom. The children
had to sleep on the floor.
The next morning I went to reception to complain. The receptionist was very rude and
informed us that there were no two-bedroom apartments free. We left your apartment and
booked into a nearby hotel.

Yours sincerely,
Anna Jansone

Варианты ответов
  • heading
  • first paragraph
  • body of the letter
  • final paragraph
  • complementary closing
  • signature
Вопрос 10

Which of the phrases is odd?

Варианты ответов
  • Yours Faithfully,
  • Yours Sincerely,
  • Best wishes,
  • Regards,
  • Love,
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