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The End-of-Term II Test. Variant IV. State and Political System of English Speaking Countries and Russia.

09.11.2020. Тест. Английский язык, Прочее
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The End-of-Term II Test. Variant IV. State and Political System of English Speaking Countries and Russia.

Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 1

Task I. Complete the sentences using the word-combinations from the list.


1. The British Parliament consists of two chambers:



1.  an uncodified constitution,

2.  the House of Commons,

3.  a democratic federative state,

4.  administers justice,

 5. the House of Lords,

 6. the US Congress,

 7. is checked and balanced,

 8. the House of Representatives,

 9. constitutional monarchy,

 10. obtains the majority of seats,

 11. the Senate,

 12. trial by jury,

 13. the lowest criminal court,

 14. the executive power,

 15. by popular vote,

 16. Parliament.

Вопрос 2

Task I. Complete the sentences using the word-combinations from the list.


Under the Constitution Russia is ______________________________.



1.  an uncodified constitution,

2.  the House of Commons,

3.  a democratic federative state,

4.  administers justice,

 5. the House of Lords,

 6. the US Congress,

 7. is checked and balanced,

 8. the House of Representatives,

 9. constitutional monarchy,

 10. obtains the majority of seats,

 11. the Senate,

 12. trial by jury,

 13. the lowest criminal court,

 14. the executive power,

 15. by popular vote,

 16. Parliament.

Вопрос 3

Task I. Complete the sentences using the word-combinations from the list.


The court is a state body that___________________ _________________________________on behalf of
the state.



1.  an uncodified constitution,

2.  the House of Commons,

3.  a democratic federative state,

4.  administers justice,

 5. the House of Lords,

 6. the US Congress,

 7. is checked and balanced,

 8. the House of Representatives,

 9. constitutional monarchy,

 10. obtains the majority of seats,

 11. the Senate,

 12. trial by jury,

 13. the lowest criminal court,

 14. the executive power,

 15. by popular vote,

 16. Parliament.

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